Chapter One

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"It sure does feel good to be back" I said to myself. I've never felt more grateful to be apart of the PJ Masks ever since my absent with Romeo, let alone be able to go to school again. I grown as I get out of bed, I do grown every time I get out but I'm still getting used to being back. It's only been over a week. Most of my bruises were healing but some were taking longer to heal since I was hit a lot harder at those spots. As I brush my teeth and getting dressed I kept noticing scars of cuts that were probably caused by Romeo's fly bots when I was getting abused by them. I still couldn't believe I let Romeo blackmail me, but the one question that circled around me was if it was worth it or not. I started to think it wasn't Romeo's doing. It was mine. What if this is all my fault all along. Romeo was just there to help me realize. Owlette told me being angry doesn't help anything, it makes it worse, and I think I just learned that lesson twice.

I also started to wonder. What did Romeo mean when he said "It's not over." His plan failed, his plans always fail. But what makes this one different? He was only targeting me just because he thinks I wasn't picked on enough by him, I guess. The only reason I could think of is that he would just try it again. But if he tries that again on me or anybody else, I'm really going to let him have it with my claws and maul him into pieces and everything about him. I was getting angry by the thought of it but then I realized, me getting angry won't help anything yet again. Looks like I haven't learned my lesson fully. I can tell someone's gonna scold me for that.

I finally get out of my house and meet up with Amaya and Greg, we always like to talk about the school gossip and missions either from the past or recently, of course we talk about my incident from hell.

"How badly did Romeo hurt you?" Greg asked.

"Pretty badly." I replied.

I decided not to tell them about Romeo claiming the whole thing is not over so they don't get concerned, even though I should.

I tried to change the topic while walking and talking to school and when we arrived, I hesitated to go in. I'm really hoping nobody will ask any questions about my absence. I walked in the school and of course, it was Cameron who came up to me and rained questions on me, some of them weren't even questions, they were just Cameron being Cameron saying stuff like I was scared to go to school all because I was irresponsible with myself getting hurt, since some of my bruises were visible to him. Amaya and Greg defended me while I just sit there wondering if he was right, I immediately shook it off. By then, the school bell rang and we all had to go to class.

We all went to class, I was hoping nobody would ask questions. All I saw were people looking at me with weird looks, looks looking like they just saw a ghost. People were also whispering to each other while looking at me and even the teacher gave me a weird look too. I was really starting to get fed up with the whole class staring at me, I tried to shake it off and ignore them. The only person who cared enough to speak up was Cameron.

"Ha! You probably skipped school just to play games!" Cameron said.

"At least I get better grades then you." I replied.

"So you're admitting?" Cameron teased.

"You don't know anything!" I wanted to hurt Cameron so badly, but I didn't want to cause a scene let alone probably getting suspended.

"Connor. Cameron. That's enough you two. Take your seat." The teacher scolded.

Of course Cameron would get me in trouble. I sat down and continued on with my day. It was normal but it was full of people looking at me and gossiping about me. If they knew the truth then I'm sure people would have a lot more to say then their face expressions. We met up with Ivan during lunch and played basketball.

When school ended we all decided to walk to the library to meet newton. We all chatted on the way there until we started talking about villains.

"Hey there's no sign of a nighttime villain today. Maybe it's a quiet night today." Ivan said.

"Oh thank god, I could really use a break. A calm and peaceful night is exactly what I need." I said.

"How about you could take the night off today?" Greg chimed in.

"No it's okay. I insist." I reply.

"Are you sure Connor? You're not fully healed yet." Amaya said.

"Yeah, its okay."

If it really is a quiet night today, I will make sure of it. Or, I just want to get used to fight crime instead of being the crime. Then, it clicked, I completely forgot about the Delta Diamond I stole  for Romeo and I need to get that back.

When we arrived at the library, we all noticed everybody standing outside including Newton in front of sticky splats covering the entrance of the museum and everything around it, the buildings near it were also covered in splat. We were all immediately shocked and ran towards Newton.

"Newton! What happened to the library?" Amaya asked.

"I don't know... I came here and saw it like this." Newton replied.

"Sticky splat. What would night ninja want?" Greg said.

"He must be vandalizing the city again with his splat again." I said.

"Just like when we played soccer with his ninjalinos?" Greg said.

"Yup, I guess his ninjalinos scored a lot of goals." I replied to Greg.

"We'll find out tonight. PJ Masks Power Heroes we're on our way!" Amaya said.

"Into the night to save the day" We all joined in.

" Finally, a mission for me to play the good guy for once." I said to myself.

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