Chapter Three

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Me and Gekko both stayed quiet while riding back to Power Q in my Cat Car, I really hoped it would stay this quiet because I thought Gekko would stay quiet all the way until we're back and just try to shake it off. But of course he had to open his mouth.

"What's wrong with you..." He said.

I sighed. "Nothing's wrong with me."

"Something's clearly wrong with you! You hurt those Ninjalinos!" Gekko said.

"I'm sure they're fine. Now shut up." I snapped back.

"They're not fine! You clawed them up with your Cat Claws!" He scholded.

"Oh yeah!? Well next time we see them they'll act like none of this happened or they'll fear us, or they might not even show up at all, even better! Either way, I did everyone a favor on both sides." I said.

"What is wrong with you?! You used to be so nice and caring but now you haven't been the same ever since you were Romeo's slave!" Gekko yelled back.

Those words hit me hard and I'm pretty sure whenever I hear the name "Romeo" all the memories of pain and suffering just come rushing back to me. Gekko noticed that those words hit me, hit me hard directly.

"Hey... I'm sorry if I said something wrong." He said.

"Of course you did. Just... Don't tell anyone about this" I replied.

"Are you crazy?! You mauled up two Ninjalinos and threw one of them at Night Ninja! And, you expect me to not tell anyon-"

"Shut up! Yes, I do. Tell anyone and what I did to the Ninjalinos I will do to you if you tell anyone about that! When we arrive you better keep your mouth shut!" I yelled.

"You won't stand a chance against my super Gekko Muscles!" He fought back

"Your lizard strength doesn't stand a chance against my Cat Speed!" I said.

Gekko stayed quiet after that and I just realized that was the first time I have ever threatened one of my friends, it wasn't even someone I just met, it was Gekko. I guess this goes to show how much I'm willing to do just to keep my behavior a secret from our friends. I'm really hoping that Gekko will keep his mouth shut like he's doing at this moment.

Then, I immediately noticed there was some blood on my hands probably from when I was clawing up Ninjalinos. I started to panic since I didn't want anyone to see them from Power Q, blood has never been involved in any of our missions before so if anyone sees them on my hands it's going to be awful for me. I decided to just try and cover it up when I get back, I'm hoping nobody sees them let alone asks any questions.

When we arrive back at Power Q, me and Gekko both get out. Gekko had the face of a disappointed parent, or the face of somebody who doesn't want to interact with anyone. I stayed behind hoping nobody would come into the garage where we store all our vehicles. I tried to wipe the blood off onto my cat costume but most of it dried off and already started to turn a brownish color, I had to find a way to conceal my hands or else I'd be in trouble.

I immediately started to search the garage for anything that might just conceal my hands or maybe wipe the dried blood off. What would a garage help me in anything like this situation, I decided to avoid anything suspicious I would just hop back into my Cat Car and go to my house to wash my hands as fast as I can before anyone would notice something was wrong. And, that's exactly what I did, I went back into the city and drove to my house, I ran as fast as I could with my cat speed and washed the dried blood off my hands, there was probably an easier way but I just wanted to avoid detection as much as I could.

As I jumped back into my Cat Car and glided back to Power Q I heard PJ Robot's voice through my communicator asking me where I was.

"Catboy. Where are you?" He asked.

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