Chapter Nine

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Late at night. I found myself in the flying factory deck yet again, this time, it was all different. I didn't noticed it immediately when I walked into the elevator into the central room. I noticed no lights were on, no fly bots, no Romeo, it was quiet, almost too quiet. I walked around uncomfortably noticing absolutely no traces of anything, none of the computers or machines were on, it's almost as if Romeo called it a night or abandoned the flying factory completely. I had a gut feeling somebody was watching me, someone behind. Suddenly, I heard a sound of something that dropped on the floor, I turned around immediately just to find it was an empty canister that dropped. I felt like I had PTSD when walking around the flying factory just to find it looking like this, since my ears are sensitive, any small movement or anything dropping on the ground will give me a shock down my spine. I walked down the hallways in almost pitch black, it looked exactly like a horror movie and I had the bright idea to walk down it. As I was walking I suddenly heard my name being called behind me.

"Catboy." I turned back in fear.

It was Romeo, standing there behind me. He looked like he wanted me to be scared, the fear I had was unimaginable, he could easily tell be looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Romeo!? What have you done to your flying factory." I asked.

"The real question is, what have you done to your friends." He told me.

I had to process that for a few seconds, what I have done to my friends? All they did was hold me back from really teaching those villains a lesson after our old ways which taught absolutely nothing.

"What I have done to my friends? What are you talking about...?" I questioned.

"Why that's an interesting question you were there to see for yourself with front-row seats and you still are too blind to see it." He said.

"Watch your mouth." I snapped cynically.

"The next time you see your friends. I suggest you evaluate yourself over what you have done to your friends." He said evilly.

"I said watch it!" I threw a claw at him.

It hit Romeo in the chest and he started bleeding. Instead of screaming in agonizing pain and crying, he just laughed.

"Muahahahah! You see! This is what you have done to your friends!" He said laughing.

"Romeo! How! How are you doing that!" I yelled.

I'll see you the next time we meet kitty cat! Muahahahahah!" I started charging at him with my claws out ready to strike.

I clawed him up and he kept laughing, I started punching him and choking him and he kept laughing, I pounced him to the ground and did whatever I could to him and he kept laughing. Romeo wouldn't stop laughing and he looked like he couldn't feel any of the pain I wanted to inflict upon him.

I got off of him and to my surprise he was able to stand up, looking like a bloodshed caused by a thousand sadistic people. All he did was laugh, I couldn't imagine being able to bear that amount of wounds and injuries.

"You will see one day! It's never over! Muahahahahah!!" He said.

I blacked out after he said that, and immediately my eyes shot open. I noticed I was tied up on my chair in ropes, with bandages all over me. I was in the central room and Gekko and Newton were here too, except they weren't tied up and PJ Robot was tending to their wounds. I didn't see anybody else so I just assumed or hoped they called it a night so they didn't see me like this. Gekko and Newton looked so defeated and PJ Robot looked so guilty for not speaking up about my behavior earlier I guessed.

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