Chapter Eighteen

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I looked out my window looking at them finding the body and I noticed they were specifically following Ice Cub, and Ice Cub was using his nose to try and sniff out a scent. I realized he was going in the direction I buried the body. At this point, I was too tired to care, I've decided that I would stop worrying about the dead body since chances are, I would get caught anyway since I know my friends at the back of my hand.

I went back to bed and fell asleep.

"Connor..." I grunted.

"Connor..." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Connor!" I shot my eyes open and saw Romeo in front of me while in my bed.

"Romeo!? What are you doing in my house?!" I said.

"That's not important kitty cat. I see you have decided to give up and let your friends catch up to you about your crime." He said.

"Why is that your business? It's not like you care?!" I replied back.

"Of course I don't care kitty. But what I do care is the fact that you have officially given up, you've accepted defeat. You don't care anymore." He said.

"Yes! I don't care anymore! Because now I know what it feels like to be you every time you cause trouble in the night." I said.

"Except, I have never gotten so evil to the point where you hurt others. Let alone murder someone." As soon as I heard that I got angry.

"I'm not evil! I only did what had to be done." I yelled.

"So you think you had to hurt your friends and other villains and murder a Ninjalino? That's low." I had nothing much to say after that.

"Shut up! What would you know?! All you're here for is to cause trouble to me, and my friends!" I yelled.

"Oh, I don't know. At least I know that killing someone would ruin my life. You were always the kitty cat to rush into things and look where that's gotten you." He said.

"Romeo! Just shut up! Get out of my head! This is just some sort of hallucination or nightmare!" I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut and tried to ignore everything he said.

I kept doing it until I shot my eyes open again and I noticed Romeo wasn't there anymore. I sighed in relief knowing the nightmare with Romeo is over for now. I looked over and realized it was early in the morning.

I groaned to get out of my bed and got dressed, brushed my teeth and headed downstairs. When I headed downstairs I heard my doorbell getting rung so I walked over to the front door and answered it. It was Greg and Amaya.

"Hey Connor..." Said Greg.

"Why are you guys here?" I said.

"We're worried about you, you're awfully different now." Amaya said.

"How so?" I tried not to get so easily angry.

"Because, we've heard from Newton that you have. Actually we probably shouldn't say it. Right Greg?" Amaya said.

"Yeah, we should go to school. You comin'?" He said.

"I think I would rather stay home." I said.

Amaya and Greg both looked at each other with worried faces. "You haven't been coming to school for some time now." Amaya said. "You're missing out on a lot." Greg said.

"I'll be okay. I'll come back once I deal with Romeo." I told them.

"W-whatever it is, we can help you-" I slammed my door in both of their faces, cutting Amaya off.

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