Chapter Sixteen

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I feared that Newton would break out and go investigate that trash can next to the library and find that Ninjalino corpse rotting away in there, I knew my cat stripes wouldn't be able to hold hi down. I should've knocked him out unconscious before leaving so I wouldn't have to worry and maybe he would've forgotten about it. I decided that's exactly what I was going to do, so I headed back to Newton's house as fast as I can before he would have broken out of my cat stripes.

Once I was standing outside of his house I was hoping he would still be tied up stuck within my stripes, once I got inside I saw a bunch of broken cat stripes and then I realized, he broke out of my cat stripes.

If I wasn't scared before, I was now. I was so scared Newton would find that dead Ninjalino sitting in that trash can and tell everyone in PJ Power Q and I would be in a heck-load of trouble. I immediately cat-sped to the library and saw Newton flying there to investigate. I saw him flying around the library so I assumed he didn't remember where the trash can was which stored the dead Ninjalino, I was hoping it would stay that way.

I decided I would attempt to knock Newton unconscious and put him back to bed in his house hoping he wouldn't remember anything at this moment.

I snuck behind him on the ground while he was still in the air flying and kept following him until he stopped and I super cat jumped onto his back and I pounced him down onto the ground and covered his mouth with my cat stripes trying to black him out. Newton pulled the stripes off of him and pushed me back. I landed on my feet as always and tried to cat stripe him down to the ground by the ankle but he blasted it off of him.

"Catboy?! What do you think you're doing?!" I ignored him.

I still tried to cat stripe him down but it wasn't working as well so I needed a new game plan. Instead of forcing him down with my cat stripes I would try and jump on him while he's in the air and try and lure him onto the ground. He followed me around and kept shooting his star power at me and I kept dodging them until I jumped against a wall onto the roof and jumped onto Newton's back and covered his eyes with cat stripes and tried to steer him to the ground.

Newton was able to force me off his back and I fell to the ground instead of him. I immediately got back on my feet and kept trying to get back onto his back. I jumped against another wall and jumped onto his back again and kept trying to steer him into the ground but this time I blindfolded his eyes with my cat stripes and pinned his hands behind his back and tied them together. After that, I tried to steer himself to the ground to hopefully knock him unconscious before he broke out of my cat stripes. Eventually I made him loose control and crashed him into the ground but that didn't knock him unconscious so I covered his mouth and nose with my stripes until he blacked out.

Once he blacked out, I carried him onto my shoulder and took him to his house and I tucked him into his bed while still being tied with my cat stripes. After that I ran to the library and checked up on the Ninjalino rotting away in the trash can.

When I got there I could smell the awful stench of that deceased Ninjalino and I lifted the lid revealing the dead Ninjalino.

"So this is what you were hiding." I immediately turned back to find Newton in the air behind me.

I immediately put the lid back on the trash can, it was no doubt he saw the corpse in there. I realized he must have been faking his knockout just to follow me here to find out what I had in store inside this trash can.

"Catboy?! How could you?!" Newton cried.

"What are you looking at?! You saw nothing!" I yelled.

"I'm done seeing nothing! I saw clearly what was in that trash can! I knew you were hiding something! But, I didn't think you would be hiding something like this!" He yelled replying back.

"What did you expect?! They ambushed me!" I replied.

"That's not how we do things! We're heroes! Not murderers!" He said.

"Well I'm just doing something more effective then stopping them!" I said.

"Are you kidding me?! I don't know how I could forget about something like this?! Imagine what the others will think about this!!" He yelled.

"They won't find out about it! I won't let them! And you're not going anywhere." I replied.

I jumped onto Newton and I tried to steer him into the ground again but this time, I would make sure to knock him unconscious this time before he could get away and tell everyone in Power Q. If everyone at Power Q found out what I did to that Ninjalino, I won't even know the kind of trouble I would be in.

I kept trying to steer Newton to the ground again and try to knock Newton unconscious for real so he hopefully won't tell the others and maybe even forget about it if I knock him out hard enough.

Eventually I was able to get Newton to the ground again and I wrapped his mouth and nose tightly with my Cat Stripes and struck him hard a few times in the head until he stopped moving. When I took the cat stripes off of him he was still breathing meaning I didn't kill him and he wasn't waking up. I was hoping he wasn't pretending like he was before.

I went up to the trash can and checked to see the Ninjalino still lying in the trash can until I heard Newton's voice behind me.

"It's going to take a long more to knock me out since before!" He said.

He started flying away to PJ Power Q. "You're not going anywhere!" I yelled.

"You need help Catboy. A lot! Of help...!" He replied.

I started to fly up but I was weighing him down and he started to drag me across the city until I super cat jumped onto him and tried a third time to steer him to the ground, but after I jumped onto him he immediately threw me off of him and blasted the cat stripe off of his ankle and flew towards Power Q.

If he's going to tell them then I am in a lot of trouble...

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