Chapter Twelve

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I saw Romeo walking away looking back at me with a evil smirk and I realized he still hasn't answered the one question I came here for.

"Romeo!" He turned back.

"What did you mean by... "It's not over"?" I said.

"I'm sure you'll find out eventually. If one of your PJ pest friends speaks up about it." He replied.

"I don't buy it. I came here asking you, not for someone else to tell me." I said walking up to him.

"And I told you. If it wasn't obvious already." He said.

I grabbed him by the throat. "Tell me!" I yelled.

I could tell he was struggling to breath, so I let him go just for him to give me some answers. Instead of him talking he manufactured some sort of ray with his mind courtesy of his tech suit and fired it at me. I barely was able to dodge it in time and I turned back to see a fly bot moving very slow, realizing it was a go-slow ray.

I panicked because I couldn't move as fast as I could before due to my injuries so I tried to grab the go-slow ray with my Cat Stripes before Romeo could get his eye on me. I Cat Striped it but Romeo had a tight grip on it. Me and Romeo were on a game of tug-of-war just for the go-slow ray until I threw my claws at him and one of them hit the go-slow ray piercing it through the handle and I yanked it out of Romeo's hands. I picked it up from my cat stripes and snapped it in half with my claws.

Romeo saw me break his go-slow ray and he decided to call in his fly bots to attack him.

"Fly bots! Take care of kitty litter boy!" He commanded.

I would say around twenty to thirty fly bots showed up when Romeo called them in and they could see my injuries and bruises so they must have pity me but still must have decided to be ruthless since they all charged at me with blunt weapons and firing their laser beams at me.

I painfully ran at them and tried my best to fight them off against me by ripping them to pieces with my claws or shocking them with my cat speed and tying them up with my cat stripes. I still got hit a bunch of times by the fly bots, some more painful then the others, and I collapsed several times but still somehow managed to stand my ground against them.

Every time I get hit by a fly bot whether it's by a ray or a metal pipe or crowbar, I get weaker and weaker which makes me more vulnerable to the fly bots. I felt like I was going to die when fending off those fly bots because I was already weak enough before I got to the flying factory.

Eventually I fell to the ground and I kept getting knocked down by the fly bots repeatedly getting hit by the fly bots. Overtime, I got hit in the head by a fly bot with a metal pipe and that gave me a massive concussion. I was so closed to getting knocked out unconscious until I could barely see fly bots getting hit by feathers and a bright star beam of laser.

I realized Owlette. Gekko and Newton came for me but I kept asking myself why. I saw them taking the fly bots out before I lost consciousness. I was in so much pain I couldn't move or my body would send a shock of pain down my spine.

I was helped up from the ground by Gekko.

"Gekko? Why are you helping me?" I said.

He had a face of guilt. "Because... We're still friends right? I'm sorry for what I've said to you earlier." I guess he was giving me another chance.

"Yeah... Sure." He wrapped my arm around his neck to help me stand.

He started walking me to the elevator on the deck and Owlette must have landed the Owl Glider on the flying factory deck. Just then Owlette and Newton came back from taking care of those fly bots and the first thing they noticed were my injuries that were now worse than before.

"Catboy...? Are you okay?" Owlette asked.

"Do I look okay?" I replied. "Why are you all helping me after everything I've done?" I said.

"Because... We still think you're our friend." She said.

"Even if you have behavioral problems." Newton added on.

"...Okay... Now what?" I said.

"You should take a few nights off, after you get some first aid." Owlette said.

I thought about it for some time, I always thought I was perfectly fine about my behavior except about my condition at the moment. I could really use a break because of my injuries anyway.

"Sure. I'll do it." I said.

"Okay. Gekko, help him in the Owl Glider." Owlette replied.

"What about my Cat Car?" I said.

"I will bring it back." Gekko said.

Gekko sat me down in the Owl Glider and I took some time to look at my injuries, I noticed I had bruises all over my arms and legs, it was hard for me to breath and I had a huge headache and a blurry vision. Owlette got into the Owl Glider and Newton just flew in the air.

"Catboy? How much pain are you in?" She asked.

"If I told you you wouldn't believe me." I replied.

"And I thought I was in pain..." She said.

I doubted myself earlier that I would still have friends afterwards but now I have to reconsider it. At least Gekko, Owlette and Newton still cared but I doubt the rest will. Owlette flew us up to Power Q as I saw Gekko getting into the Cat Car and gliding it to Power Q. As we were riding I started to cough up blood on myself.

"Fluttering feathers... Those fly bots sure did a number on you huh?" Owlette said.

"You think? How much longer?" I said.

"Nearly there." She replied.

As we got back to Power Q I was relieved to see Gekko with my Cat Car and I was escorted to the central room with Gekko and Owlette while Newton stayed back to study his stuff with space. I was met with PJ Robot who I expected to be absolutely furious and rough me up worse than the fly bots but instead he seemed worried and furious all together.

PJ Robot scolded me a lot while he sat me down on my seat and tended to me. I noticed Ice Cub, An Yu, and Bastet were all still out cold. I highly doubt they would still want to be my friends after they wake up or if they wake up.

He put ice on my bruises and ankle which were still stinging in pain and I sat there on my seat for what felt like hours until I decided I would call it a night for a few days just like what everybody recommended. PJ Robot offered to drive me home since I obviously cannot drive myself.

After I arrived home I waved goodbye to PJ Robot and I went to bed, hoping for a better tomorrow.

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