Chapter Nineteen

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I think I've had enough of this. If this whole thing is what Romeo expected then I thought to myself to do something Romeo wouldn't expect, such as coming in clean to my friends. But I can't ever forgive myself for murdering that Ninjalino. I thought about never telling them about that crime I committed, even if some of them are catching on, such as Newton. And I doubt Night Ninja even realized that one Ninjalino has gone missing forever.

I walked all the way to my house and I saw some sort of lights coming from the sky and as soon as I saw that I wasted no time and ran all the way home with my cat speed ignoring the fact that it gives off such a vibrant blue color, and transformed back into Connor and got in bed, hoping that they didn't notice me.

I tried to squeeze my eyes shut but I couldn't because all I had on my mind was with my conversation of Romeo which was keeping me fully awake. I gave up and got up, I retransformed back into Catboy because I knew I was in for it. I knew my friends would be coming for me sooner or later.

I got outside and I decided I would try to go back to Romeo for more. I tried to look for the flying factory in the air but something grabbed me from behind and pinned me to the ground.

"Sorry Catboy!" I heard from behind.

"Who is this?!" I said.

"You'll see soon enough." I threw whoever was on me off of me.

I looked and saw Gekko. "Gekko?! What are you doing here." I said when I was tackled again even stronger this time.

"Get off of me!" I demanded.

I looked behind me and I saw Newton having my arms locked behind my back. I kept trying to shake him off but the more I did it the more he kept holding on tighter and tighter. It felt like he was crushing my arms.

"What's your problem you're holding my arms too tight!" I yelled.

"Then stop moving." Newton said.

I decided to stop since I didn't want him to break my arms. "Whatever you say." I told him.

Newton held me up and Gekko stood in front of me. "So is it true?" Gekko said.

"Is what true?" I replied.

"You killed someone...?!" He said.

As soon as I heard that I didn't know what to say. I didn't say anything and just stared at Gekko in the eye.

"So? Is it true or not?" I didn't want to openly admit to murdering a Ninjalino, unless if I had no choice.

I still stayed quiet looking at Gekko. "Ice Cub said he could barely smell an extremely terrible smell just outside the city. Is that where you hid the body." He said.

"Then go figure it out yourself." I said.

"So is that a yes?" Gekko replied.

"It's a maybe." I said.

"It's either a yes or a no!" Newton said.

"You wanna know who you should really pin down? It's Romeo. It's Romeo would you should blame." I slammed my head against Newton's face and he let go and I took off running trying to find the flying factory. I looked back and I saw Newton and Gekko both following me.

"You wanna know the truth? Help me find the flying factory and ask Romeo for the truth." I said back to them.

They didn't respond but I could tell they were on board to help. I kept running looking for it and I finally spotted it hovering above the city and Gekko grabbed my shoulder before I was going to slingshot myself.

"How are you going to get up there?" He said.

"I have my ways." I replied as I used my cat stripes to wrap around two lamp posts and slowly walked as far as I could before the cat stripes started ripping apart and jumped, immediately after I let go of my cat stripes, as I slingshot myself in through the air and towards Romeo's flying factory.

I just hoped Gekko and Newton will follow along with me into the flying factory. I cat striped my way onto the flying factory's bridge and waited for Newton and Gekko. I looked down and I saw Newton carrying Gekko.

When they arrived Gekko and Newton asked when did I learned how to slingshot myself. "I taught myself when you forgot about me" I told them.

We all ran into the elevator and made our way into the flying factory to look for Romeo. When we made it down to the central room he was there yet again.

"Back so soon 'ey kitty cat?" He said.

I gave him a death stare until Gekko started talking.

"What have done to Catboy...?" He said.

"He's so... Different now..." Said Newton.

"Ah so looks like kitty cat has brought his PJ Mask friends for some answers, well you just can't get enough... Catboy!" He said.

I got angry when I heard him say that, I was about to run at him until both Newton and Gekko both stopped me and told me to calm down. I realized that it's probably something Romeo is expecting from me.

"Romeo is expecting me to act like this, I learned about that during our last visit." I told them.

When I said that both Gekko and Newton turned back at me. "We can help you. We can help you overcome this." Gekko said.

"So is it true? Did you expect someone to die?" Newton asked.

"Muahahahahah... I might've. I knew he would do someone like that from the experience I put him through." Romeo said.

Newton's eyes widen and Gekko looked like he just saw a ghost when they heard that. "So you did murder someone." Gekko asked.

I took a deep breath. "I sure did." I said to them.

Both Gekko and Newton looked at me in shock, I doubt either of them could look at me the same ever again knowing that I killed someone.

"There is it! Kitty cat finally admitted it! He finally admitted to committing a crime! Not even I would ever stoop that low!" Romeo exclaimed.

"Shut up Romeo! You did this to me! All that torture led me to this moment!" I yelled at him.

I tried to lung at him again but Gekko and Newton stopped me again. They must've felt bad knowing that I still could not recover from my experience from Romeo.

"We're leaving Catboy. We'll help you get over with this." Both Gekko and Newton dragged me out into the elevator and out of the flying factory.

"I can do this alone." I said.

"We've already left you alone before. We are not doing that again. This time we'll be watching right over you." Newton said.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say." I said grunting.

Maybe I need to ask for help eventually, but I'm just glad "help" came to me.

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