Chapter Eight

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I tackled Gekko to the ground and he blocked me with his shields and I dug my claws into his shields. I kept digging my claws deep into his shields but later separated them from my hands and started choking him and hitting his head against the ground multiple times until he used his strength and his shields to shove me back. I caught myself as Gekko tried to reason with me.

"Gasping Gekkos Catboy! Stop it! What do you think you're doing! I'm your... your friend!" He said.

"C'mon! Show me your Gekko Muscles! And I'll show you my Cat Speed!" I told him.

I threw my claws at him and he blocked them with his lizard shields. I was getting fed up with his shields so I started to attack from behind, I ran at him and jumped over him and scratched him on the back causing him to bleed. He grunted loudly in pain and and turned around to kick me back. His kicks were a lot more harder than mine courtesy of his strength and he kicked me straight in the chest causing me a chesty cough. Gekko threw his shields at me and I dodged them with my Cat Speed and jump, I rushed at him with claws out but of course, he blocks me with his shields. I wished there was a way to get rid of his shields but there wasn't so I decided to use my trusty Cat Speed.

"Catboy! Stop and let's talk about this!" Gekko said.

"I don't care! You have always been constantly making me angrier and angrier, it's time I let it out." I told him.

I rush at him with my Cat Speed but he was one step ahead and went in his camouflage. I stopped right in my tracks and used my Cat Ears to listen to any incoming movement or any suction sounds around the walls. I had my eyes closed trying to listen which was a bad idea and I heard some sort of power up noise and suddenly I felt tight arms wrapped around my waist and it clicked, it was Gekko holding me tight yet again except my arms were tightly locked into his grasp. I tried to break myself free, but without my arms free, there was nothing I can do. I noticed I could slam the back of my head into his face, and that's exactly what I did. I slammed my skull hard onto his face which caused a nosebleed to him, but he stood his ground, something I definitely was not expecting. He then leaned back and slammed me into the ground which probably left a huge bruise on my back and he started to hold me down. Me and him were face to face with me on the ground and him towering over me. I headbutted to get him off of me and we switched places, I tried to jab my claws into him until he shoved me aside. We both stood up and kept our distance from each other.

"Catboy! Saying you have changed is an understatement! You're completely insane!" He said.

"I'm not insane! You're just in the way! I am the reason the villains won't come back in a while! I am the reason the city is safer! This is for the better and you are against it!" I yelled.

"Catboy! Two wrongs don't make a right! I thought you learned that so long ago! But I guess I was wrong! We all are wrong! You just proved it!" He replied.

As soon as I heard those words, I realized it was Owlette who first told me those words when it was still the three of us. Just like how she said getting angry doesn't help, I've come to a realization that those words are wrong.

"Gekko! ...Catboy?!" Said a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around to see Newton behind me.

"Newton! Your here just in time!" Gekko said. I suppose Gekko didn't come alone.

I could tell he noticed Gekko covered in blood and scratched while he sees me bruised up black and blue.

"What's been going on with you two?!" Newton said. I gave him a death stare and so did Gekko.

 It took a while for him to piece things together while I noticed Gekko was distracted eyeing down Newton and I took my chances and ran at him full speed tackling him down and I started to claw him up with my claws and he started to scream in pain, it took him a few seconds to use his strength to hold me back but a few seconds is all I needed to claw him up in excruciating pain, so much pain he let me go and Newton decided to step in holding me back and tight as he can.

"Catboy! Get a hold of yourself! Look at what you've done!" Newton said.

I tried to get out of Newton's grasp, but it was a lot more harder than Gekko's. But this time, my hands were free, I release my claws and I tried to stab his arms to free myself. Newton started to  fly up higher and higher until I clawed both his forearms deep to get him to release me, luckily we were barely above the glass roof of the museum so I could easy land myself painlessly for once. Newton looked over his wounds and touched them in pain.

"Catboy! Why would you do that! With you're claws!? Your under another nighttime villains control again aren't you?!" He said.

"I am not anybody's slave!" I launched my claws at him.

Newton dodged my claws and he probably assumed I was still in denial from being Romeo's slave or this is some kind of aftermath, the only aftermath from that experience is my new power.

"Star Power!" Newton launched his star beams at me.

I dodged them quickly and I cat striped his ankle and forced him towards me and I held him by the throat, I was about to strike him with my claws until I felt a force stopping me from stabbing him with my claws. Gekko started to materialize in front of us and held me down by the throat. Newton held my arms locked into one position and I found myself trapped.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"Or what?! So you can keep trying to hurt us?!" Gekko said.

"You're coming with us back to Power Q, we have a lot of questions to ask you." Newton said as they started to drag me. 

I remotely called my Cat Car over to me to fire furballs at the two holding me tightly. They both let go after I hit them and I ran towards my Cat Car with my Cat speed. I quickly got in and used the Cat Roar to stun them and I figured the Wolfies might still be close and I might still be able to deal with them, at least tie them with Cat Stripes and be on with my night. I used my Cat Ears to listen to them as I drove off in the direction I heard them the most. Eventually I was stopped by Newton and I got out to get him out of the way by using my Cat Stripes, he probably had something to say but I didn't want to hear it.

I decided to ditch my Cat Car and send it back to Power Q remotely and followed the Wolfies on foot, but Gekko was in his Gekko Mobile and started tailing me, I tried to run away with my Cat Speed but Newton used his star power to hit me and caused me to crash. Gekko pulled over right next to me and tried to get me into his Gekko Mobile but I retaliated clawing his chest over his Gekko symbol and his cheek too. I noticed Newton coming down to assist Gekko and I launched a claw at it and it hit him leaving a noticeable scratch but it didn't stab him since I couldn't throw it hard enough.

I kept running thinking I might still have a chance of finding the Wolfies while listening to their sounds with my Cat Ears but I was caught off guard when Newton crashed into me at full speed almost knocking me unconscious since it was so unexpected to me, I got up and kept running to the sounds and Cat sped towards the sound of the Wolfies and it lead me straight to the city and I finally found Rip in the distance looking like she's trying to tend to Howler and Kevin's injuries. I was just about to run towards them until I got splashed with water by the Gekko Mobile's water cannon. After that it was the complete final straw for me.

I decided to forget about the Wolfies and let them have their night while I wait for Gekko to get out of his Gekko mobile. As soon as he did I charged at him pouncing him to the ground and I started to punch him in the face and scratching him up. I could tell he was close to fainting but Newton saw what I was doing and decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Gekko! Star Power!!" Newton yelled.

His Star Power hit me knocking me over and he crashed into me again with even more force as I realized I was starting to lose consciousness as he used one more beam of his Star Power and I finally fainted, succumbing to the unconsciousness.

Later, Gekko and Newton both carried my unconscious body into the Gekko Mobile and glided off to Power Q. I was not in a good situation since for sure my behavior will become crystal clear after everybody has taken one look at me, Gekko and Newton and maybe even footage of me versus Gekko and Newton fighting.

The secret was definitely out, especially to Gekko and Newton.

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