Chapter Fifteen

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Sorry for not updating for a while! I was taking full advantage of my winter break!

I woke up in the early in the morning to a huge headache and Romeo's words from that dream I had last night. I tried to forget about it and go back to bed to sleep it off. I had a huge mix of emotions from last night when my own team caught me going into the night when they were scolding me and I didn't have the energy to argue back.

I realized it was the weekend and I prayed that Greg and Amaya wouldn't check up on me because I really just wanted to be left alone for some privacy, even if they did ring my doorbell I planned to not answer.

I still wanted to go out into the night but if they caught me again they might even take away my amulet. I had a feeling they might take away my amulet one day ever since I was abducted by Romeo. I decided not to go out into the night to prevent the risk of getting my PJ amulet confiscated.

I waited out the whole day thinking about what I was going to do with the murder even though I already did as much as I could with it. I feared that they would find out about it and they will for sure take away my amulet or potentially worse.

When the moon was out I went to bed and stayed awake for what felt like hours until I was finally able to go to sleep.

I immediately shot my eyes back open after I closed them and I realized I wasn't in my bed. I still had my pajamas on but I found myself in the museum. I tried to get out but all the doors were locked. I looked around to see if there was any way I could get out until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I immediately turned back to notice Romeo's hand on my shoulder and I forced his hand off.

"What are you doing here...?" I asked.

"Oh, pussy cat. You haven't had a clue yet don't you?" He said.

I was confused. "What are you talking about?" I replied.

"If your "so-called" friends care about you. What would they think about that corpse?" He said.

I was speechless. "They won't find out. I will make sure of that."

"And what if they do?" Romeo had an evil grin on his face.

I was speechless again. And Romeo knew.

"Speechless huh? Well I know what would happen if they do, they will take away your PJ bracelet and forget about you." He said.

When I heard that, I was furious and ran at him and pounced him down. "Be quiet!" I yelled at him. I put my hands around his throat and started to choke him, but he showed no reaction of choking. He was still breathing just fine and wasn't struggling just to get out of my grasp.

"Or what? So you can kill me to? Look at what you've become! You used to be such a goody two-shoe and now, you're even more naughty than me!" He said.

"Shut up!!" I yelled.

"Muahahahahahahahah!!" He laughed cynically.

I was clenching my fists harder around his neck and all I could hear was his laughs. He was giving the same treatment before in a previous dream I remember. He kept laughing the more I was grasping harder around his neck and I started to slam his head on the ground over and over again just to get him to stop laughing.

Eventually I let go and stood up. I never even bothered to transform into Catboy to deal with Romeo because I wanted to make it short and quick. I got off of him and started to walk away.

"Just wait until they take your PJ bracelet away. It's going to be fun!" I heard from Romeo.

I turned back to look at Romeo and I dropped unconscious. I shot my eyes open again to find out someone tried to reach for my amulet while I was asleep, and I woke up to catch whoever in the act.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I said.

"Connor! Just take it easy!" They replied.

"Who are you?!" I demanded.

"It's me. Newton." He said.

"What are you trying to do!?" I yelled.

"I... It's better if I don't tell you." He replied.

"No! Tell me!" I demanded from him.

"It's complicated to say the least." He replied.

"I don't care just tell me!" I kept demanding.

"Uh... I came here to take your.... amulet away." He said with sorrow.

"What!?! No way that's happening." I yelled.

I transformed into Catboy and I pounced on Newton demanding for answers. "What did they tell you! What were they thinking!" I yelled for answers.

"Catboy! Take it easy!" He pushed me off of him.

He stood in front of my window and I tried to pounce on him again but he grabbed my wrists and flung me outside of my window. I landed on my side and Newton flew down right in front of me.

"Sorry about that. But do you see why I have to take your amulet...?" Newton said.

"Shut up!" I told him.

I got up. "What did the others tell you?!" I said.

"I shouldn't tell you." He said.

"I don't care! You betrayed me!" I yelled at him. "Who else came with you!?" I asked furiously.

"It's just me Catboy... I came alone because I thought I could take your amulet off of you without waking you up..." He said.

"Oh is that right... You want it? Come and get it." I slowly started to take a few steps back.

He started to take a few steps forward and I started to speed up. As soon as I sped up he started to speed up. Eventually I took off running with Cat Speed into the city so I could take him on by surprise.

As I made it into the city I didn't look back at Newton who was probably following me. I stopped and turned back to find out he was following right behind me. I threw a furball in his face with my speed so he wouldn't have time to react and as soon as the furball hit him I dashed off into the city and hid within the buildings..

I wanted to stalk him while hiding within the buildings but I had a thought in my mind to see if the dead Ninjalino was still there in the trash can next to the library so I decided to make a detour and check.

When I made it to the library I immediately noticed an awful smell and it came from the trash cans. I took the lid off and there it was, the dead Ninjalino, it was still decomposing and it smelled terrible. I was quite surprised nobody stopped to check it out, but it would make sense because of the smell.

Just when I was about to turn back I noticed Newton was behind me, I immediately put the lid back on the trash can and turned around to face him.

When I saw him I didn't even bother talking and threw a furball in his face and cat striped his ankle to pull him down to the ground and tied him up with my cat stripes. I picked him up later and took him to his house and dropped him inside his room.

"You didn't see anything." I said to him.

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