Chapter Four

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It was late midnight, I was running away from fly bots in the flying factory since they were trying to capture me. I've been in the flying factory for so long and so much I was starting to lose my mind, I knew the flying factory so well since I've worked in there so frequently because if I didn't then I would get hit or get zapped by fly bots or Romeo. I didn't know where all my friends were or if they cared whatsoever that I was in the flying factory potentially running for my life.

Eventually, I found myself in the control bridge, the fly bots get ahold of me and grab me by my arms. They started to hit me more vigorously until I heard a voice, a familiar voice coming from the doors. It was Romeo. Romeo entered the control bridge, all the fly bots lined up for a path for Romeo to walk. I looked at Romeo with a stern face and while walking towards me, he pulled out a pocket knife from his pockets. I was so badly injured to even react, but he for sure knew that I was worried. As Romeo walked up to me I decided to just spit in his face, it wasn't even saliva it was blood. As soon as I did that, Romeo got to work.

"So that's how you wanna play?! Romeo yelled.

I didn't want to respond but I think he was waiting for one, overtime he got impatient and he stabbed me in the shoulder with that pocket knife. I've never been stabbed before but it was super painful, then he stabbed me in the stomach and his fly bots started to beat me up. I was in so much pain I thought I was gonna die.

"My... f-friends... will c-come... and s-s-save m-me..." I said while coughing blood.

"Your friends? Muahahahah! Your PJ pest friends have abandoned you, they don't care about you. Your friends betrayed you, your friends aren't your friends." Romeo said.

I couldn't believe his words, but at the same time I could. I refused to believe they would turn their backs against me. I doubt Romeo would know that anyway. Did they tell him they were just going to hand me to him? I couldn't believe it.

Just then Romeo raised the blood stained knife above me with a mischievous smile and struck it at me and I blacked out.

I immediately jumped out of my bed, I was in a panic attack. It took me a while it was just a nightmare. "I almost died." I said to myself. I remembered Romeo's words very clearly, saying my friends betrayed me. All the pain felt so real, the words of Romeo hit me hard, I didn't want to believe it since it was all a nightmare. I tried to calm myself down from my panic attack and eventually I do but I had gut feeling something wrong was going to happen between me and my friends friendship, and it will be either because of them, or because of me.

I dragged myself out of bed and barely had the courage to get dressed and brush my teeth and left. I saw Greg and Amaya standing there, Amaya gave me a wave and a smile while Greg looked at me with a death stare. I walked up to them and walked with them to school, it was mainly Amaya talking to the both of us while me and Greg didn't walk whatsoever, it was clear Greg didn't tell anyone about what happened last night and both of us didn't want Amaya to know as well. As we were walking to school we met up with Ivan and walked with us to school, Amaya started to talk to Ivan about their duo mission last night while I walked next to Greg.

"Greg, you told someone didn't you." I asked.

He stayed quiet for some time until he said: "I should've but I didn't, I can't believe I'm letting you get away with this."

"Well, you're doing it whether you like it or not." I replied.

We both maintained some space in between us until we all arrived at school, I was really hoping nobody would look at me funny anymore, when I walked in it looked like I was right but of course, Cameron came up to me and started to mouth off yet again about how I was brave enough to come to school in two days in a row. I wanted to shut him up so badly but I didn't want to lose my temper in front of the school, in front of my friends and everybody outside. I tried to walk in the school but Cameron just blocked my way, the school bell rang and I had enough so I pushed him aside and walked in, not even realizing he was on the ground.

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