Chapter Five

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We all transformed and made our way to Power Q, the only person I told about the Luna moths was Owlette but I just wanted to do this alone so if I go crazy again I wouldn't have any witnesses and I could really give her a piece of my mind. I couldn't just rush out of Power Q or I will definitely get some people raising their suspicions. I decided to just wait out until everybody was out on missions or just personal stuff in general so I can deal with this myself. Minutes have gone by and most of everybody left for their own stuff or trouble in the city, there were still some people left, unfortunately that included Owlette. It was just Owlette and An Yu left, An Yu left probably just to protect Mystery Mountain from Night Ninja, although I think she can take the night off. Now, it was just me and Owlette, luckily she left and left me alone in the central room, where I was waiting for everyone to leave. I immediately took the chance, I swiped the Cat Car in the picture player and jumped down the slide, landed in my Cat Car and glided off to Earth.

I drove around for a while until I decided to ditch the Cat Car and went off by foot just to avoid detection since I remember Gekko and Ice cub riding his Gekko Mobile investigating some fly bot activity at the park, I could not take any risks, I hide the Cat Car and used my Cat ears to carefully listen to any Luna moths or potentially Luna Girl. It took some time to ear the lightest sounds of a moth but I carefully listened to it and followed the noise and it led me to the museum, I started to think twice if it was a good idea to go alone, especially since Luna Girl wields her infamous Luna magnet but I knew there wasn't any going back. I climbed to the top of the museum and saw Luna Girl looking at the moon on her Luna board.

"Luna Girl!" I yelled.

She turned back to look at me. "Well if it isn't the PJ Pussycat!" I always get so angry whenever she uses that name on me.

"What are you up to!" I demanded.

"Oh, nothing... Say? Are you all alone?" She asked.

"Yeah, just me..." I replied.

She smiled. "Is that so? Well, this is going to be fun."

I prepared for the worse, Luna Girl fired her Luna magnet on me and I just barely dodged it. She's always had an attitude of a spoiled brat or a brat that wants to cause trouble all the time. She kept trying to get me in the Luna magnet beam while I get dodging, she eventually sent her moths at me just to try and blind me so she can trap me with her Luna magnet. I still didn't know what she had in plan, but I just assumed it was something like Night Ninja, I sure was going to give her a piece of my mind if she was playing with me like Night Ninja was. I tried to get that Luna magnet out of her possession but I couldn't since those Luna moths were blocking my way. It went on for a while until I lost it, I completely lost it, I let out my claws and threw one at her Luna magnet trying to disarm her. I also realized this was the first time she saw my claws, but unlike Night Ninja, she bothered to care.

"Woah?! What are those things?!" She yelled.

I smirked. "A new power of mine."

"Well..! I don't like it!" She screamed.

"Say hello to Cat Claws!" I threw one at her magnet to disarm her.

I turned back at her moths with claws on my hands just to intimidate them and back them off. It worked and I immediately run after the Luna magnet. I noticed Luna Girl also going for it, also she did I shoved her aside knocking her to the ground and got the Luna magnet.

"Hey! What was that for?" She said.

I didn't even respond and I pointed her Luna magnet at her, I was going to trap her in her own Luna bubble until my cat ears picked something up, it was sort of like flapping wings, sort of like a moth, until I turned around to see Motsuki flapping at me behind. I always thought she was super annoying. But then suddenly, she started firing her little Luna beams at me. I was getting so fed up, I started to release my claws and going after Motsuki.

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