Chapter Twenty

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Newton and Gekko both grabbed me and shoved me into the Gekko Mobile and strapped the seatbelt on me. I felt very uncomfortable but I had to keep my cool or else I would just satisfy Romeo so I bit my lip and let them do their thing.

I looked out from the Gekko Mobile's window and I saw my own reflection, I realized my eyes were bloody red and were bleeding internally, I thought I probably got it from a fight I got into with Newton or such and I'm just realizing my eyes were red since I never bothered to look at them in the mirror.

I closed my eyes and tried to forget about the fact that I was basically being kidnapped for my own sake. I could feel the vibration that we were entering Power Q's, I kept trying to keep my eyes shut until I felt gekko's grip grab my arm and took me out of the Gekko Mobile.

I opened my eyes as I saw Gekko taking me to the central room. As soon as we got there everyone was looking at me with a bunch of sad, worried and some mad face expressions but no one dared to speak a word at me.

Gekko kept walking me towards an isolation room we had in Power Q, but never used. It was a large white room with sound-proof tiles, a one way mirror, and a one way mirror door. I got inside and sat down there for what felt like hours. I kept staying in the same position not moving once.

Moments later, I heard a voice on the speaker, sounded like PJ Robot.

"Hey Catboy, we've discussed about your situation and we've decided that you should stay here until you have regained control of yourself. Don't worry, we will get Romeo back for you." He said.

"Fine." I said.

I didn't know how I could recover from this, but if I knew my friends well, I knew I could somehow recover.

 A Few Months Later...

Getting out of bed has gotten easier and easier ever since I started to recover from my personal hellhole, I doubted myself that I could ever recover from this and get back to my usual state before but now I really did it.

I'm finally back to where I was to begin with, I still sometimes get angry a little to easy but my friends are always there to have my back and help me remain the same.

And that's hopefully where I will be for the rest of my life.

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