Chapter Seven

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Everyone has came back from those fake images of villains cooked up by PJ Robot, nobody questioned him because they all just assumed they were too late. I wasn't sure if they thought it was suspicious that all the villains PJ Robot projected just happen to escape all at the time same, but they had no evidence to prove that. If I was lost in a maze, I must have hit a dead-end, now PJ Robot pretty much knows what's been happening to me, I really hope he doesn't know what I've been up to on missions lately.

I still doubt the claws are all just for violence, sure they might just be the most lethal power we've ever come across since they're so sharp, the closest power that are like my Cat Claws are probably Newton's strength or maybe Owlette's feathers and they're not very violent.

I walked into the central room with everybody investigating or questioning PJ Robot, I highly doubt it was worth it for PJ Robot to waste everybody's time, when everybody saw me, I was suddenly thrown at with a billion questions.

"Where were you?" Gekko said.

He actually had to guts to speak to me. "PJ Robot made me stay behind."

"Doing what?" Ice Cub bumped in.

"Something that had to do with my Cat speed. He needed me to power something up." It was an obvious lie but lucky for me, he bought it.

I take it that Owlette and Gekko did not buy it since they know the truth the most. And PJ Robot had a guilty look on his face for faking those images of villains. I gave PJ Robot a death stare, a stare I wanted him to look like I wanted to rip him apart with my claws like a rabies infected cougar.

I just wanted to get out of Power Q and do something productive, such as fending off an actual nighttime villain instead of going after fake pictures. A few hours have gone by after PJ Robot tricked everyone and actually got away with it, I decided to just head down to Earth for some patrolling around the city.

I selected the Cat Car, slid down the slide into my Cat Car and glided down to Earth. I landed near our old HQ's moat, I took a glance at the old HQ and suddenly a rush of memories came back about our happier times before I was Romeo's slave. After taking a few glances at it I drove off into the city just for some peace and quiet and not really patrolling the city. It was going quite well and it was really nice getting that private time alone just to clear my mind from PJ Robot's annoying lecture. I took the time to think about him advising me that I should take a few nights off because he was probably concerned about my behavior, but I personally think he's talking nonsense.

I was still concerned that Gekko would tell someone about what he witnessed me doing while dealing with Night Ninja. I didn't know what I would do if Owlette saw what I did to those Ninjalinos since she has a soft spot for everyone apparently including Ninjalinos, some bigger for others,  I suppose we all do, except me now.

 While I was driving around I noticed my Cat Ears picked up some laughing of some particular voices. I immediately knew it was the Wolfies, their laughs are so recognizable and so loud. I followed their laughs in my Cat Car with my Cat Ears and it lead straight to the museum. I sighed, they tried to vandalize the museum before and they were probably doing it again judging by their laughs. I jumped out of my Cat Car and ran to the roof of the museum for the element of surprise, and surprising nobody they were vandalizing the museum. Knocking stuff over splattering it with paint and breaking stuff, classic Wolfies. I jumped down into the museum and all the Wolfies froze in place.

"What do we have here?" Howler said.

"Looks like someone let the cat out of the bag." Rip taunted.

"What are you up to?" I said.

"If it isn't obvious already, we are wolfing it up in the museum." Rip replied.

"Since you stopped us before, we are just here to get the job down." Howler said.

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