Chapter Seventeen

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"Dammit! Now what..." I said to myself looking up at Newton flying into the sky to tell the others. I panicked and didn't know what to do, my first instinct was to run away but I knew I had to play this safe and smart.

I immediately took the disgustingly rotted dead Ninjalino from the trash can and ran as fast as I could with cat speed far away to the outskirts of the city and dumped the Ninjalino onto an empty big field of grass and ran back to get a shovel.

As soon as I found one I immediately ran back to the Ninjalino in the middle of a grass field and started digging up a grave for it as fast as I could. It took some time with all the rocks I kept hitting but eventually I was able to dig a reasonably big hole that I can dump the Ninjalino in and bury it, which is what I should have done in the first place.

After I buried the Ninjalino far away from wherever the others might look to investigate I got rid of any sort of evidence that might trace back to me and I ran to my house and transformed back to Connor and got in my bed, hoping I would fall asleep before they would get to me at most.

I kept trying to fall asleep multiple times but the thought of the others finding that dead body even when I buried it far away from the city still keeps me awake. "What have I done..." I thought to myself. There wasn't any going back from what I just done, and now I have to live with it for the rest of my life.

Finally I felt my eyelids getting heavy as I finally drifted off into sleep. Immediately after I felt someone touch my shoulder, I shot my eyes open to find Romeo right behind me. I shoved his hand off my shoulder and turned to look him in the eyes. I noticed we were in a large grass field that looked very similar to the grass field I buried the Ninjalino in.

"What do you want Romeo...?" I said.

"Oh nothing, kitty cat. It's just that I know what you've just done to try and hide your crime from your PJ pest friends!" He said.

"Shut up! What would you know?!" I yelled.

"I have been watching over you this whole time! I know everything you do kitty cat! Muahahahahah!" He laughed.

"Stop! Just stop! Talking!" I said.

"Make me! Muahahahahahah!" He laughed.

I covered my ears, I've heard to much of Romeo's laughing. This whole time I have constantly been having nightmares of Romeo over and over again. I was starting to think Romeo had something behind this, leading me to where I am currently. If Romeo is behind my whole head of nightmares, I had a thought that I would develop Insomnia over the nights.

"Stop it! Just stop it! Stop burrowing yourself into my dreams!" I demanded. "What have you done to me!" I kept crying out.

"Oh nothing, how about you see me in a few days time? Then I will answer all of your questions." Romeo said.

"No! Tell me now! I charged at him and tried to pounce him until suddenly, I ran through him and I fell to the ground.

"Recognize that spot you fell on?" He said.

I looked at the ground, it was the same place I buried the Ninjalino in. I felt guilty but I didn't want to admit it, I felt guilty but I didn't want to care. I felt guilty because I have to live with it for the rest of my life, I probably won't ever be able to show my face to my friends ever again. There's no way I can talk myself out of this.

"What does it matter to you anyway?!" I said.

"It's the fact that you ruined your life just from that. That's what." He replied.

I knew he was right, I didn't want him to know that I knew to give him any bragging rights like he always thinks he does.

Just then my eyes shot wide open, I immediately sat up from my bed and I realized it was still nighttime. "I must've fallen asleep for only a few minutes", I realized. I didn't want to go to sleep with the guilt absolutely killing me, but at the same time I needed to go to sleep before the others catch up to me, or at least pretend to.

I looked outside my window and saw the PJ Explorider out front of the library and I could hardly see what looked to be Newton, Gekko, Owlette, and Ice Cub all there searching around the library looking for the corpse Newton probably talked to them about.

As soon as I saw them I immediately went to bed hoping that I would fall asleep before they would catch on to me, if Newton can fake being unconscious, then I can at least fake being fast asleep. I closed my eyes as hard as I could trying as best as I can go to sleep but the more I tried the more I could hear them coming closer and closer to my house.

Just when I heard my window open and people jumping in I faked being asleep as best and believable as I could. I heard people talk over me.

"Should we wake him up?"

"I don't know about this."

"He's really changed..."

"What if this was all because of his experience with Romeo?"

"What should we do?"

"I don't think we should wake him up and just ask him."

"Maybe we should wait for the right time to tell him."

"We don't know for sure if he really did it. I couldn't smell anything near the library."

"I guess we can come back later or just wait for the right timing."

"Or we can go back and keep searching for a corpse."

"Let's all go. We'll discuss this later. But right now I don't want to wake him up."

After that I could hear them all leaving and closing my window behind them and leaving my house. As soon as I knew the coast was clear I got up, "That was a close one." I said to myself. It seemed like they wanted to wait for the right timing to confront me about my crime, I was glad they didn't find the body yet. But, they are still outside searching for it.

Hopefully they won't ever find it.

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