Chapter Fourteen

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I stood up from the corpse of the dead Ninjalino and I felt a huge mix of emotions, but the ones that stood out of the most were the feelings of worried, scared, and happy. I felt so worried and scared for what I was going to do with the body or what kind of trouble I was going to get in if I got caught for murdering a Ninjalino. I kept thinking to myself how Night Ninja was going to react if he found out I killed one of his servants.

But then again, for some reason I can't explain, I felt so happy, so sadistic. I felt so pleasured after killing that Ninjalino. But now, the problem was to get away with it. I already decided to not tell anyone I killed one of Night Ninja's Ninjalinos especially my friends and family or else they would freak out and probably try to get me into juvie early or kick me out onto a highway in the middle of a busy road.

I ran to my house to get vinegar as fast as I could and came back to dump it all over the Ninjalino's body to stop as much smell from decomposition and I wrapped the body up with Cat Stripes and dumped it into a dumpster outside of the library hoping I wouldn't get caught or the body won't get found. I immediately ran for my house after disposing the body and quietly, but more faster, I ran to my house.

I still had pain shivering down my entire body while running but I chose to bear it and ignore it as much as possible knowing I caused more pain than I feel.

I arrived home somehow undetected by the other PJ Masks and I ran inside just to go back to bed and try to forget about everything that happened today. Every time I try to forget about my crime I committed my mind always thinks about it because it satisfies some part of me.

I fell asleep late at night and when I woke up in the morning it felt like I had absolutely no sleep whatsoever during the night. My vision was still blurry from waking up so early and I fell out of my bed. I groaned while getting up and got brushed my teeth and getting dressed and going downstairs and I saw from my window Greg and Amaya walking to school. I wondered how they would react if they ever found out I murdered one of Night Ninja's Ninjalinos.

"What have I done..." I thought to myself.

I was leaning towards the side of regret of killing the Ninjalino since that is something I can never change or undo. But I still thought it was satisfying.

I thought to myself of what I was going to do again for the upcoming night, because I obviously wasn't going to take the night off. I didn't want to kill anyone again or else it might catch up to me some day so I just decided to do some more nightly patrolling and hold myself back from murder.

I waited until the day ended and the moon had risen and I decided to go out a little later so the others wouldn't have their full guard over the city. I watched as the others transformed and light up into the sky, I really hoped they wouldn't check up on me over the past few days like they didn't yesterday.

As I was waiting for the right time I started to think they didn't care about me anymore or was starting to lose faith in me because they never bothered to check up on me. "They were probably just busy yesterday." I kept thinking to myself. But then again, a part of me was glad they didn't check up on me to find out I was gone, or at least didn't see me out in the open.

While thinking about it, I realized they could have checked up on me yesterday to find out I wasn't home and I froze in realization. If they really checked on me while I was gone into the city then that could be why it didn't seem like they were checking up on me.

I still wanted to head out into the night to patrol around the night and not kill anybody this time so I waited an hour or two, then I transformed into Catboy and ran into the city.

This time I didn't see anyone out in the city scoping around for any nighttime villains so I thought of doing it on foot. I realized the pain was a lot more bearable now so I can freely run without as much pain as I did last night. I ran around the city with my Cat Ears listening to any villain activity.

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