Chapter 8 - masked men are hot

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"You left?" Gina's voice echoed through the phone.

Lily walked briskly through the bustling streets, her phone pressed against her ear as she engaged in a conversation with her friend Gina. Her office building loomed ahead, a towering structure of steel and glass.

"Didn't you hear the words coming from my mouth? It was freaking weird. I freaked out."

Gina's voice crackled with amusement. "Any idea who it was? What did he sound like?"

Lily rolled her eyes, even though Gina couldn't see her. "Seriously? If I could figure out who he was just by his voice, don't you think I would have already."

The only reason she liked the idea was that it was someone that didn't know her and hence didn't have any pre-assumed ideas about her. She was able to be herself with this person. He had said his name was Michael and, of course, it was a fake name. She had used a fake name too.

"And besides the mask makes him hot, does that mean something is wrong with me?" Lily asked.

"Isn't something wrong with all of us? Show me one person is sane in this economy."

This brought a small laughter from Lily.

"There is a story. I heard about some girls being initiated into some college cult thing and she had to sleep with some of the jocks and every girl was wearing a mask or was it a cloth over their head?"

"I'll be in my office in less than five minutes. Where is this story going anyway?" Lily stepped through the revolving doors and into the lobby, she stepped inside the elevator, joining a few other people.

Ignoring Lily's request, Gina forged ahead. "Don't interrupt! You know I lose my train of thought when I get interrupted. So, where was I? Right, so the guys didn't know who the girls were and the girls didn't know who the guys were until they took off the masks and one girl found out the guy she had slept with was her stepbrother."

"First of all, gross and second, I highly doubt my situation is anything like that."

"Don't say gross, I said step-brother, so they are not technically–

"Gina, what's the point?" Lily cut her friend off once again as the elevator slowly approached her floor.

"Anyway, what if it's someone from your hometown? Or worse it's someone from your father's congregation? That would make quite a sermon on Sunday."

Lily's heart sank. Being the daughter of a pastor, she had always lived a sheltered life within the confines of her father's church. The idea of an unexpected encounter from her past sent a shiver down her spine. She had wanted this little adventure and still be able to smile across the table during thanksgiving without having to deal with her father's lecture or be the subject of his Sunday sermon.

She tried to shake off the unsettling thoughts. "I called you for advice, not for you to tell me my worst nightmare."

Gina tried to lighten the mood. "Loosen up, you probably heard him wrong. Maybe he said 'chilly,' you know, like he was cold."

Lily couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Who the fuck says 'chilly' when they are about to..." She caught herself, glancing around the elevator, and whispered into the phone, "when are they about to come?"

"I don't know the same people that fuck in a fucking maze. People do crazy shit." After a moment, she asked, "what are you going to do?"

"Well, I'm going to end it. I'm not calling him or anything, and secretly hope this was just a misheard situation."

Ding. The elevator chimed.

"I gotta go. See you later."

With those words, Lily stepped out of the elevator, ready to face the day's work, but her mind continued to wrestle with the uncertainty of the situation.

His Secret PuckBunny : Dark Hockey romance (TCP #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora