chapter 30- wait... that's illegal

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The low light in Pavel's apartment cast a melancholic atmosphere, perfectly matching his somber mood.

Pavel found himself grappling with the aftermath of a tumultuous summer. He sprawled on the floor like a discarded puppet, limbs splayed out in a pitiful display of heartbreak.

The memories of the lake house haunted his thoughts, the events that unfolded leaving him with a bitter taste in his mouth. He hadn't seen Caleb or Lily since that fateful night. Pavel hated the way it ended, but he questioned if there could have been a better way for Caleb, his captain, to discover he was involved with his sister.

Despite Caleb's attempt to reach out through text messages, Pavel chose to remain silent. He was unsure of how to navigate the situation, especially with the way things had ended between him and Lily.

However, weeks passed without a single means of communication between them, and Pavel berated himself for his foolishness. He had unwisely attempted to force her hand, and now he bore the consequences.

As he lay there, lost in his thoughts, the monotonous beeping of his door sliced through the silence. Pavel's weary eyes darted toward the entrance and half-heartedly mumbled to himself, "I really need to change my code."

The door creaked open, revealing Luka's silhouette. Tall and sturdy, Luka Kuznetsov exuded an air of quiet strength. His dark long hair was slightly tousled, as if he had been running a hand through it.

"What the fuck happened to you? It was that motorcycle, wasn't it? Don't tell me, you got something broken. Coach will kill you if you get injured this close to the preseason, and then I will."

Pavel touched the small cut on his temple and glanced at his scratched elbow. "Don't worry, All my 206 bones are intact."

"Good." Luka sat on the armrest of the couch. "Just making sure you are alive and not at the bottom of the ocean or something."

"Oh, that is still on the schedule."

His gaze flickered from Pavel to the living room and noticed the absence of the packed boxes that had occupied the space for years. "You finally unpacked."

Pavel managed a half-hearted shrug. "I thought it was about time, as you can see, I'm not dead, you can go and report to the others."

Luka wasted no time and plunged into the heart of the matter. "I need you to talk to Lily," he stated. "I need you to get your girlfriend in line."

"Haven't you heard? She is not my girlfriend. She never was. Apparently, we were just fucking, and no one expected the playboy to catch feelings." He turned his head to meet his friend's gaze. "As much as I'd like to believe you actually care about my relationship, but in some way, this has an impact on you." Pavel's eyes narrowed. "How?"

"I arranged a date for Ana, because I realized we never actually went on a date, so I emptied out a whole restaurant that had about a month-long wait for reservations, and she canceled on me because Lily needs emotional support shopping. What the fuck is retail therapy?"

"So she is feeling bad too?" his face broke into a small smile.

"Did you not fucking understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Get your girl. Let me have mine before the season actually starts, and I will be too busy to spend time with Ana," Luka yelled.

"Ana lives in your house. You wake up to her every day. A few missed dates should not be an issue." Pavel turned to meet Luka, "Hold on, were you planning a proposal or something?"

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