Chapter 34 - EXHIBIT A

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Earlier that morning, Pavel had gone for a quick run when he found her beneath the harsh glare of the afternoon sun. Her hair, usually tied in a ponytail, was held back with a band as it draped down her back.

She was furious, he could tell, but... God, she was beautiful.

She crossed her arms over her chest, and stood, tapping her feet. He liked it when she got upset; something inside of him loved seeing the fire in her eyes, and knowing he was able to draw that reaction out of her turned him on even more.

A cautious part of him should have been worried. She could have gone to the authorities, accused him of breaking into her house, or worse, reported his actions to Caleb. The latter tasted like strychnine on his tongue.

Sneaking into her house to fuck her and cutting his initials with a knife onto her skin, wasn't just about asserting dominance for him but more of an emotional bond that goes beyond the physical. He was done begging for scraps of her attention, of her affection. He wanted her to feel something for him, anything. Fear, loathing, hell, even scorching rage like this.

As long as it was something.

Because, her indifference, that was the true enemy. It was the slow, insidious poison that had been killing him for years.

When she screamed and tossed her shoes at him, he enjoyed it. At that moment, he knew he'd done the right thing. He saw a flicker of something real in her eyes, something that mirrored the chaos raging within him.

And maybe, just maybe, in the ashes of her anger, something new might grow. Something real, something honest, something that finally burns bright enough to illuminate the tangled mess that lay between them.

Pavel watched as she slipped on the cuffs, silently giving him permission to use her as he pleased.

His eyes raked down her body. God, she was a fucking feast, and he was starving. He took pleasure in noticing her wandering gaze, unable to resist drinking in the sight of him.

Her gaze slid lower to where his hand rubbed lube over his erect cock, the silver barbell on the tip of its length catching the light and glinting.

"I am going to fuck your cunt till you are rendered completely worthless and useless, and then I'm going to fuck you harder."

Lily tried to speak, but he silenced her by grabbing her throat and pulling her close, slamming her body against his.

His mouth crashed into hers. His cock twitched when she nipped at his bottom lip, not hard enough to draw blood this time. He kissed her even deeper as he grabbed a fist full of her hair with his free hand.

She was like the very air he needed to breathe, filling his lungs with every tender touch, every stolen breath exchanged between them.

He threw her back on the couch and flipped her around, pushing her head down and lifting her ass. He grabbed the stringy sides of Lily's panties, pulling them down over her hips.

In a mere second, Lily's bare ass was exposed as he continued to pull the panties down as far as her knees. From this angle, her pussy glistened between her thighs.

With one leg on the couch and the other on the floor, he positioned himself and lined his cock up with her asshole.

Pavel couldn't describe how wonderful it felt. Not just to be inside her, but to have her cuffed and willing.

He leaned down to her ears. "Just to clarify, Lily, I love you. You are the most precious thing in my life, but for now, you're my little, mindless, breedable whore, whose purpose is to take my cum anyway I want."

His Secret PuckBunny : Dark Hockey romance (TCP #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora