Chapter 22 - Don't be Gentle

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Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas filled with warmth, laughter, and cherished moments. 

Also don't forget to votes!!

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Lily settled into her bed, finding peace in the belief that the intruder was none other than Pavel. Convinced of her safety, there was no reason not to return to her apartment.

She drifted off, comforted by the patter of rain on the roof. A bolt of lightning cracked through the night sky, and her apartment went dark.

In the pitch blackness, Lily's eyes fluttered open. An uneasy feeling washed over her. Was that floorboard creaking? She held her breath, straining to listen over the raging storm.

Another flash of lightning illuminated the room for a split second. Lily's heart seized at the sight of the dark silhouette of a man in the corner.

She let out a panicked gasp and scrambled back, pressing against the headboard. Eyes wide, she stared at Derek.

"What the—"

He clamped a hand over her mouth. "You just have to be a nosy bitch, don't you?"

She thrashed around, kicking her feet. Muffled cries stifled by his grip.

"I told you to keep out of my relationship. Now I have to do it myself."

He lunged forward, pinning Lily down on the bed. She thrashed against him as his grip tightened. "Why do you have to cause problems for us?"

They wrestled in a frantic struggle.

Lily kicked and screamed, desperately trying to break free from his vice-like grip. Derek, fueled by an unhinged determination, yanked her by her hair, dragging along the floor.

"Shut up, bitch. I need to teach you a fucking lesson."

He pulled on her hair until they were out of her room now.

Gathering every ounce of her strength Lily sank her teeth into Derek's skin, causing him to cry out in pain.

Her mind raced for a way to escape. She stretched toward a lamp and swung the lamp against his head.

He howled, reeling back as shards of ceramic and bulb rained around them.

"Stay away from me, you fucking psychopath!" she shouted and dashed towards the bedroom door, her heart pounding like a drum.

She slammed the door shut and fastened the lock with trembling hands just as Derek's massive frame crashed against it. The door trembled under the impact as he continued to pound on it, his frenzied desperation clear.

"Fucking nosy bitch. You ruined my relationship."

Lily scrambled to find her phone, her room in disarray from their struggle. Pillows and a thick duvet concealed it from view. Panic gnawed at her as she finally uncovered the phone. It displayed a distressing one percentage of battery.

Cursing herself for not charging it earlier. Lily dialed the police, praying for help, but the screen went black before she could tap the call button.

"I will fucking break this door down." He pounded against the door with force.

Over and over again.

She sat paralyzed against the door and hugged her knees.

This was it.

There was a loud crash, then frantic scuffling, curses, and pleas. The air crackled with the sounds of the struggle, mixing shattered objects with the thuds of bodies.

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