Chapter 14 - No funny Business

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The sleek, black car glided smoothly down the winding road.

Pavel gripped the steering wheel, and his eyes occasionally darted toward Lily, who sat in the passenger seat, her expression thoughtful. Lily chewed her bottom lip

"Okay, what's the problem now?"

"What? Nothing."

"You are doing that thing with your mouth, which means you want to say something, but you are holding back."

"Fine. okay," Lily began cautiously, "I appreciate your offer to stay at your place. It's just that we've always had our differences, you know?" Lily turned to face him, a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. "What if we drive each other crazy?"

"I think this will be a chance to understand each other better, maybe even who knows, you might even like me."

"You're right, but don't hold your breath on the 'liking you' part." She adjusted in her seat, facing him. " but I do think we need some ground rules."

"If you think so."

"Yes, since we are going to be separate rooms, I would appreciate it if you knock and wait till I respond before barging in."

Pavel snickered. "Okay next?"

"Just one last thing. No funny business."

"What do you qualify as funny business?" He glanced at her, "so I would know not to partake in it."

"I don't know. Whatever you do for fun? like I don't want to see you walking in the kitchen in your birthday suit or hear your latest conquest at 2am."

"Ah, shit. I have to cancel my plans to host a sex party, the girls will be stumped." Pavel raised an eyebrow with a playful smirk.

"Honestly I can't tell if you're joking or not."

He laughed.

They drove in tense silence to a modern split-level house. He punched in a security code and the door rumbled open. The décor struck her immediately, the clean lines and simple elegance a stark contrast to her cluttered apartment.

"I see you're still going for that 'one chair and a coffee table' aesthetic," she remarked, looking around. "Quite the minimalist of you."

Pavel closed the door behind her and shrugged. "Why complicate life with unnecessary things? It's all about simplicity."

She gawked at the boxes filling the living room. "Aren't these boxes from since you were traded from the previous team?"

"From the Vegas jets. Yep. I just haven't gotten around to unpacking them. I just have what I need out and I'm okay."

"Where is my room?" She retorted, her eyes scanning the sparsely furnished living room.


She climbed up the stairs, and Pavel turned to carry her suitcase following behind. "Which one's mine?"

Pavel stopped at the door to one of the bedrooms and opened it, gesturing for her to enter. Lily stepped inside, her jaw nearly dropping as she took in the elegant and spacious bedroom. "Wow, the bed is hung."

Pavel chuckled. "Glad you like it. It's the only one I've got."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "The only one, really? You said you have three bedrooms?"

A sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "I do." he pointed to the other two closed doors behind him. "One, two and three."

Lily walked over to check them out and one was bare. No furniture. No bed. It didn't look like the room had ever been used. She went to the second door. It was locked.

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