Chapter 37 : Cribs and Promises of the future

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One month later.

In the spacious and luxurious penthouse, sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the marble countertops and gleaming stainless steel appliances.

Lily perched on a stool at the kitchen island, watching her friend Ana move around the kitchen. Ana's hands worked with flour, sugar, and butter.

"It's strange seeing you in the kitchen, and not the big guy with the man bun," she teased

"Luka prefers to do the cooking. Sometimes I sneak in just to add some spices to his cooking." She chuckled, placing a tray of baked cookies in the oven. "But he's been busy helping my brother with his hockey and Danny has been so dedicated, and I wanted to do something special for the team before their game."

Ana had also prepared a batch of mini sandwiches and fruit skewers.

Lily nodded, understanding. "When is it starting?"

"Couple of hours. They should be there right now. You are coming, aren't you?"

"Of course. This is your brother's first real hockey game," Lily remarked, reaching out to snag a sandwich from a nearby plate.

"I would not call it a real hockey game. It's more of a community friendly kind of thing, but yeah. Who knew he would like hockey this much?"

"He is what... fourteen? I think most boys his age like sports. Danny didn't want to make you feel bad, but with Luka encouraging him, it was easy for the kid."

"Luka definitely encouraged him. I had no idea there was a hockey league for wheelchair users until now." Ana wiped her hand clean and leaned over the counter, staring at Lily before speaking. "So, are you going to talk about the minor bump in the room or do you want to keep avoiding it?"

Lily exhaled. "I am keeping the baby."

"Why? I could swear when you told me you had this look in your eye that I thought... you might not keep the baby."

"That was because I thought it was conceived after my birthday. It wasn't. I was already pregnant by my birthday. I just didn't know it then."

"What difference does it make?" Ana's eyes narrowed. "Don't tell me you guys had sex even after that fight?"

Lily swallowed and narrated how he had sneaked into her apartment and had sex with her while she slept.

Ana had a cookie halfway to her mouth, eye wide as saucers. "He raped you?"


"What do you mean well? There is no black and white about it. He forced himself on you."

"That is not the messed up part." Lily moved around the counter and hoisted her skirt up to reveal her inner thigh.

"Wait.." Ana stared harder, her eyes narrowing. "He did that? Please tell me you kicked his ass or something."

"Oh, I did. I told him my mind, I was super pissed at him and..." she trailed off, not finishing the sentence.


"We kissed, and I slept with him."

Ana blinked, processing the whirlwind of information her friend had just dumped on her. "Oh my God," she said with disbelief. "You like this sort of toxicity?"

"Noooo," she dragged the word that did not do any justice to convince herself, let alone Ana.

"Noooo." Ana mimicked her. "Yeah right. Who are you trying to convince me or your vagina?"

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