Chapter 15 - I know the truth

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Lily had just returned from a long day at work, her heels clicking on the pavement as she chatted with her friend on the phone.

"I'm telling you, it was so creepy," Lily whispered into her phone as she kicked off her heels.

"Finding a hidden camera in your apartment? That's terrifying!" Ana exclaimed through the speaker.

Ana was Luka's girlfriend and even though things between Ana and Lily may have started a bit off, she was glad Ana was sweet enough to put everything behind them, and they could be friends.

Lily glanced around, expecting to find Pavel lounging in the living room or perhaps busy in the kitchen but Instead, the house was eerily silent.

"You have no idea. I still feel so violated," Lily sighed, dropping her purse on the kitchen counter. "That's why I'm staying at Pavel's for a few days until I figure things out."

"And how is that going?" Ana pried.

"I don't know, fine, I guess. He is still annoying and pretentious."

She continued her conversation, her steps taking her further into the house. Her eyes scanned the minimalist decor, but there was no sign of Pavel. Puzzlement turned to mild concern as she ventured upstairs, her curiosity piqued.

"Lily?" came the voice from the phone.

"I have to go. I'll call you later, okay?" she hung up before Ana responded and tucked her phone into her back pocket.

Lights spilled from the bathroom as it was slightly ajar, and muffled sounds emanated from within.

Lily crept toward it, hearing Pavel murmuring. One strong arm was braced against the tile wall while the other moved rhythmically over his dick.

She clutched her chest, her heartbeat thudding. She knew she should slip away unnoticed, but temptation kept her rooted in place.

He began to whimper under his breath. Almost silent, but enough for her to hear how pathetic he sounded, how much he needed relief.

He was breathing heavily, and she could tell he must be getting close to climax.

She froze when she made out her name, called in a throaty groan.

"Oh Fuck, Lily..."

Did he just–

Then a loud grunt followed by heavy breathing. His deep voice strained as he said again, "Lily."

If she had missed it the first time. This was clear and audible.

The way he called her name, with a voice dripping with desire and need, ignited a fire within her.

He sounded spent. He stood there for a minute or two as she imagined his dick slowly unstiffened.

Her phone suddenly began to ring. Startled, she fumbled for her phone and pressed the volume button to silence the call.

With a rush of adrenaline, Lily sprinted out of the bedroom, trying not to make as much noise as possible. She couldn't remember the last time she had moved so swiftly. She descended the stairs in a blur. Her hand darted out, snatching her shoes and bag from their designated spots.

She dashed out the front door; she closed it quietly behind her. Leaning against the sturdy door, she breathed deeply. God. She needed to start working out. Why did running down a flight of stairs make her so tired?

with a glance at the missed call notification on her phone. A familiar name, Gina, was spelled across it. She returned the call, pressing the phone to her ear. "Girl, you won't believe what just happened."

His Secret PuckBunny : Dark Hockey romance (TCP #2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu