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After the shocking revelation that I've revealed -Tawni's choice of words - Tawni had bought me a huge pack of maxipads. She still refused to talk to me, but she did buy me a lot of essentials equivalent to a girl on her period.

Cody, on the other hand, avoided Jeremiah at all costs; he says that he didn't know how to look at Jeremiah without feeling awful for hiding such a huge secret.

Right now, I'm finally alone in the house, this time, it was sure to stay that way because Tawni was at college then she's going to her work, Cody was in his soccer training again after his college, and Jem was out again with our son although he did try to insist me to come with them but I declined because I needed some things to do.

And by that, I actually meant about me being an amateur writer for the day.

I went to the bookstore to buy some stuff, and then I went to the toy store that was nearest to the bookstore I was in. After buying the things I needed, I went back home and started on my work.

I first packed an expensive toy car for Tom's first birthday, (using my saved money) and then I started to pack another gift for his sixteenth birthday which was a gigantic surfboard. I know that it's too early to buy him stuff for his first and sixteenth birthday but come on; I'm trying to beat Jeremiah out of it.

After finally packing those two gifts, I started on writing letters for each and every one of my loved ones. I wrote a letter for of course, my son, Tawni, Cody, Mom, Dad, Cameron, and Jeremiah. I didn't bother writing to Margo (Cam's mom) or Bill, because my hand could only take so much writing in one day.

I sat on the kitchen island, blank white papers and two carefully wrapped up presents around me. I started writing letters when it was ten in the morning up to six in the evening, only taking short breaks for the bathroom, food, and medication.

Jeremiah arrives home a few moments later after I just finished hiding the letters and gifts inside my locked bedroom.

I opened the front door to see Jeremiah smiling wide, carrying Tom in his arms who happens to be holding a stuffed teddy bear. Tom and Jeremiah were both wearing matching caps that had little matching chopper things on top. They looked so adorable together that it took the heavy feeling of dread off my chest.

Jeremiah grins at me and kisses my cheek. It took a second for the both of us to realize that he had just kissed me. (Sort of)

He grins cheekily again. "Sorry, it just feels like we're married and you go greet me at the door with our son in my arms. I just couldn't help but do that," he shrugged.

I blushed and shook my head. "So, where have you two gone?" I queried.

He walks towards the couch and sits. He puts Tom in his lap. "We went to watch dolphins in the zoo. It was amazing and Tom had a great time," he beamed. I sit beside him and Tom crawls towards me. "That sounds fun," I agreed.

"What have you been doing all day?" he asks me.

I shrugged and concentrated on trying to carry Tom in my arms. "Oh nothing," I said nonchalantly. "I just went somewhere to buy some stuff."

"You know what, I should go. I've spent two days straight with Tom and I read in the internet how the baby would need to bond with his mother more to avoid depression," Jeremiah informs me.

I looked at him ludicrously. "You've been doing research?"

"Well, I am a father," he says proudly. "Of course I've been doing research." He winks at me before kissing Tom on the forehead and kissing me on the crown of my head before leaving. "See you tomorrow," he calls before shutting the door.

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