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As a seventeen year old, it was quite surprising to find myself applying for an internship to a company my stepfather owned.

Billy Fords insisted that I shouldn't be applying to stuff like these yet because I was too young and I at least had a chance to have a good summer vacation.

Of course he wouldn't want me to work yet, he's financially capable to give me money to survive. He is one rich stepfather.

My mother, on the other hand, is with him taking their own vacation which I refer to as "pre-honeymoon session" in Bora-Bora.

My parents had split since I was eight, and with that my friends, is the story of my father-less life for nine years.

I was in the middle of signing application forms when my phone started ringing.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was Tawni.


"Brooks! Cody is asking where you placed his cereal bowl."

"I placed it on the cabinet like a normal person would instead of storing it inside the refrigerator!"

"Wait, I didn't get that. Damnit, just talk to him-"

There was some shaking noise on the line.

"H-hello? Brooklyn?" Cody's voice asked.

"Yes, Codes. I said, your precious cereal bowl is inside the third cabinet above."

"Wait, lemme check- oh! Okay okay. Thanks Brooks!"

"Sure, just please- please store items like a normal person," I pleaded.

"Yes, yes. Anyway, how's that job application going?"

"Well, I'm in the middle of filling my sheets."

"Oh my gosh, okay okay. I'm sorry I'll go now. Okay. Bye!"

End call.

I have the weirdest best friends.

I sighed and continued to fill the forms with my proper information while the secretary in front of me was eyeing me suspiciously.

Probably because I was the stepdaughter of the company's CEO.

It was June already, a month after Jeremiah's departure.

I assumed he's found a decent enterprising company there just like how he wish he would. Well, that's good for him.

A nineteen year old guy like him shouldn't really be flying halfway across the country to start fresh, but I guess he's got other plans.

After a few more hours of staying at my stepfather's company, I went back home to find my second best guy friend sprawled on the couch.

He was eating froot loops in the evening.

"Sup Brooks, I'm just chillin," Codes greeted.

"Obviously," I commented. "Where's the queen?"

"Tawni? She's on a date with her so-called boyfriend."

"Tawni Macon? Finally settling down? Amazing," I clapped mockingly.

"Yeah, yeah. Same reaction."

I walked towards the corridors of Tawni's huge apartment and entered my bedroom.

During early January, Tawni insistead that I should come live with her and just help with the rent. That way, she gets to live with someone in her huge apartment and not feel lonely anymore even when she sleeps with a ton of guys.

There are those nights where I can't sleep because of the noises, my friend.

The noises they make. It keeps me awake.

I changed into a green tank top and some white pajamas, throwing my office wear to the laundry hamper inside the bathroom that was built inside my bedroom.

I walked out of my room carrying my phone, just in case someone decides to call me.

Maybe my mom?

Or someone.. Across the country as well..

"When are you leaving, Codes? I can't stand your snoring anymore. No more sleepovers this time," I complained.

Cody feigned hurt and sat up from the sofa. "Wha? My snores? I sleep here on the couch, in the living room- away from your locked bedroom."

"Well, your snores are really loud," I teased. It was the truth anyway.

"Fine, fine. I admit."

"So, you ready to go after that bowl of cereal in this late hour of seven o' clock?" I asked.

"Yeah, I forgot that I was supposed to feed Molly. Shit! My sister's gonna kill me!" He shouted in realization.

Molly was his sister's great, big, labrador. He gets to take care of her while his sister is on a honeymoon with her newly-wedded groom.

"Not if Molly kills you first," I snicker.

He threw a scowl at me and ran to the kitchen where I was. He placed the bowl down the counter and then ran outside of the apartment.

A second later, the door opened again and his head popped out. "Bye, babe!" He exclaimed as he closed the door again.

Oh, and a little thing- Cody is taking a shot with dating me again since our relationship during seventh grade didn't really work out.

With all that, I threw myself down the couch and opened the television using the magical remote.

I woke up to the sliver of sunlight that peaked between the curtains of Tawni's windows. I tried sitting up but my back was sore.


I forgot to get up from the sofa and transfer to my bedroom.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Tawni's Sally sunshine voice buzzed through my ears. I look at the kitchen where Tawni was at, only to find her pouring herself a tall glass of milk. She was blooming and her smile was wide.

Her blonde hair was tucked into a secure bun on the top of her head and she was wearing a purple bear onesie.

"I can see that you're happy," I grumbled as I scratched my eyes.

"And I can see that you're not," she giggled.

I stood up from the couch and joined her in the kitchen. I grabbed a cereal bowl from the cabinet- yay for that- and took the carton of milk from her.

"Well I can see that you're planning to have opposite day today," she observed. "Putting milk first before cereal, I see."

I looked down at my bowl and sighed.

"My back hurts because I slept on the couch."

She ignored me and took my hands. She was wearing this really really wide grin.

"Guess what?" She squealed.

I snatched my hands from her and took the cereal box beside her. "I'd rather not." I rolled my eyes.

She ignored my snottiness and continued to smile at me.

"I'm engaged!"

Author's note:

Sorry if this was short, I just wanted to describe how Brooklyn's life was like.

Anyway, thanks for the reads mwhaha lub yall

((Not edited so pls just ignore i will edit soon))

-ellie belly

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