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It's been a week since the failed attempt of our outing and I feel like shit.

Not because I'm depressed to why I'm still at Cupertino but because I literally just feel sick all over.

Tawni was out and Cody attended some soccer camp (he misses playing) and my halfbrother was back all the way to Oakford so that left no one to take care of me.

I lay on Tawni's huge queen size bed, my body half-covered with a thick duvet.

Tommy was still occupied with his toys but not soon will he start to cry for attention and I'm not sure if I could attend to him with my condition.

Looking up at the ceiling with only one eye (thanks to my brother) I breathe a little erratically because I suddenly feel like I have no air in my lungs.

Also, I want to turn the air condition off because I'm freezing because of my fever but I'm afraid that Tom wouldn't like the idea.

My teeth started to chatter when the bedside phone of Tawni rang.

With all my might, I reached for the phone. "What?" I croaked.

"Brooklyn, are you sick?" Jeremiah asks.

I rolled my eyes. Is this guy kidding me?

"Tawni told me you were sick, and I just wanted to make sure if you could still handle it in there."

"I'm doing great," I lied. "I only have one functioning eye but I'm great. I'm not that sick maybe just a little cold."

"Are you sure? Because Tawni said-"

Tommy starts crying hysterically.

"Tom! Come here," I cooed as I tried to sit up and reach for him but it seems that my back was sore.
I stayed sprawled on the bed.

"Brooklyn, what happened to Tom?"

I widen my eyes. "How do you know his name?" I ask him angrily.

"You just called him over," he answers.

I groaned and slapped my forehead. "Well, shit."

"Calm down. It's just his name,"

"No! I don't want you to know his name!" I cried.

"Fine, then I forgot his name. Happy?"

Tom started to cry louder. "I have to go. He's turning red from all the crying."

"Are you sure you can handle everything all by yourself?"

"Yes," I continued to lie.

I attempt to sit up again but I just end up hitting my head on the headboard.


"Brooklyn! Brooklyn!" Jem's panicked voice called.

"I'm... Doing... Great," I breathed. By then, Tommy cries louder.

"I'm going there," Jeremiah says in finality.

I tried hanging the phone down when Jeremiah's voice comes out from the phone again.

"Is the key still under the doormat?"

"As always," I whispered.


Jeremiah bursts inside the bedroom. He was wearing a plain green shirt that complimented his eyes and some khaki shorts with some docksiders.

"Brooklyn you look horrible," he tells me as he comes over and takes hold of my shoulders. He pulls me up to sit and I lean on the headboard.

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