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"I am so, so happy to know that my soon to be parents-in-law have finally arrived in a once in a lifetime engagement party of Ivan's and mine!"

A formal looking couple wearing business uniforms- one wearing company attire and one wearing a doctor's gown- sitting on the other vip table nodded at her, small smiles hinting their lips.

"I may admit that I needed to do a little "begging" to get them here," Tawni continued speaking to her microphone.

That was just euphemism for her loud whining and demands.

"I also want to say that I am so emotional to see that this engagement party is really happening!" She squealed. "I understand the little anger my parents had when they knew I was engaged, I mean come on! Who gets engaged at nineteen?"

A few laughters in the background.

"Well except when you're pregnant.." She smiled as she looked at me.

Oh, Tawni. This was supposed to be a secret!

"I'm on it!" Cody joked. Everyone laughed at that, including Tawni's parents.

Yay me.

A few minutes later, everyone finally just enjoyed themselves. Soothing music performed by a live band was playing while some couples were dancing on the dance floor.

On the center was Tawni and Ivan slow dancing, both wearing cute smiles.

Cody reached for my hand under the table, our hands resting on my lap.

"You feeling okay?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm so happy for Tawni."
And that was true.

A couple of seconds passed before Cody asked me to dance. Of course I said yes, knowing that this was no wild high school party where all the dancing involved partners grinding on each other.

Cody brought me to the center of the ballroom-not the actual center because that's where the engaged couple where at and Tawni gave me a clear instruction to give her a chance to shine and get all attention back when we were at her apartment-then he brought both his hands on my waist while I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was quite difficult though because he was really tall, so I had to really look up at him. He smelled really good.

I stared at his lips.

"Brooklyn?" He started.

"Yes?" I answered, this time looking up at his eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that."

I smirked. "Huh?"

"Don't stare at me with your normal Brooklyn stare, like I'm a puzzle you're trying to solve because it turns me on," he warned. "And you know I can't bring myself to kiss you on the lips here in public."

"Plus, Brooklyn; I'm not your boyfriend. Yet."

Oh typical Cody Jacobs, always the old romantic type.

"Then how do you want me to look at you? Like a rapist or something?"

"Ssh, don't speak like that. It's not good for the baby," he said.


Cody gave me his heart-melting smile, the one that makes lots of girls during seventh grade melt.

Oh how many competitions I used to have during our relationship.


It's midnight, and my feet are killing me.

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