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Do you know those kinds of days where you go somewhere really peaceful and relaxing with your family?

The kinds that would require a van and a truckload of baggage? Where your mom would prepare some trail mix and your brother would refuse to eat some because he thought it was bird food?

And also when it happened during a really, really, hot day and your van would smell a little bit of perspiration and your dad would be forced to turn up the air condition in the car?

Well, we were having that today.

Emphasizing on the word were because, we really were.

I was a little scared that Tawni would wonder about my bedroom and the lack of baby equipment so I insisted to have a going out. We contacted my dad from Oakford, but unfortunately my idea wasn't so original because my dad and Margo were out of the country. He likes to call it "a little going-out" but I call it a "honeymoon."

My almost twin brother, Cameron, on the other hand was home alone and did nothing especially that his baseball season was over for the year.

So, I invited him to come all the way to where I was, (Tawni's apartment) then I called Cody to come with us.

Now, we had our own going out courtesy of me.

Me, Tom, Cody, Tawni, and Cameron! Voila!

Okay, going back: so do you know that planning a going out on a sunny morning sounds really good?

But did you also know that planning it the same day there was a storm on your destination was really bad?

This is where the importance of watching the weather report comes in.

We were already driving past Berkeley when the rain had pour.

We had three problems at the moment:

1. We're stuck in the highway because the rain's falling down so hard that it made the windshield of our van blind.

2. The resort we're going to isn't close by. (We still had 200 km to drive !)

3. The van broke down.

Now, it was the four of us plus my son who were now sitting inside the van, the air condition a little weaker but still makes the windows fog.

It was pure silence except for the loud drops of the rain knocking into our car, demanding to wet us all inside.

On the positive side, it wasn't just us who were stuck in the side of the road with the hazard lights on. A bunch of other cars were also parked on the side, waiting for the rain to subside and continue their journey.

The difference is, their vehicles could still start when our beat-up van wouldn't.

"How long is it going to take for this stupid rain to go away?" Tawni exasperates as she chews on some trail mix. "This weather is making me nuts."

"Maybe you should stop eating some if you're so worried," Cameron says from the driver seat as he snatches the zipbag of trail mix from Tawni.

Tom was still sleeping soundly.

At least he wasn't going to witness the crisis his mother had gotten him into.

"Maybe just a couple more minutes guys," I said, trying to calm everyone. "Don't worry."

Cody, cradling a sleeping Tommy in his arms frowns. "Remind me again, Brooklyn," he started. "Why do you insist to get out of Cupertino just to go to a resort? There are plenty of pools in our town anyway."

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