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Dad was already on his duty when the door sent a series of very annoying knocks.

I stood from the sofa and unlocked three of the locks on the door-dad's a sheriff and so that makes his life more threatening- and pulled it open to see a surprisingly very tanned mother.

Mom's blonde hair was now literally so light and it cast a pinkish glow. Mom had strawberry golden hair! She looked ten years younger (she's currently 31) and she was wearing a glitter blue tank top paired with white short-shorts.

"Brooklyn!" She squealed. With her Armani bag still slinging on the crook of her elbow, she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry! I really want to squeeze you but your womb," she greeted happily.

I let her in and she looks around the house.

"Not much has changed with this place. Still same old beige colors and stuff," she mutters. "Well, I see that his giant chandelier is sparkly- he must've changed his lousy ways."

I tried to hide a snicker, knowing that dad had called several house services to clean and repair things in the house because his ex-wife was arriving.

"You!" Dad pointed at a house maid. "Use one of those long vacuum things to clean the gigantic chandelier! Lyn loves looking at them!" He paced around the living room, watching the house services do their job.

"You're getting all worked up for mom's visit-" I tried to say.

"Go upstairs and change clothes. I need to show her that I'm taking good care of you," he ordered.

Before going up the stairs, I looked back at him and smirked. "Dad, it's seven am. You're late for work."

Dad's eyes widen as he checks his wrist watch. He called for all the house crew and made them leave. Dad left briefly for work as well.

We sat on the couch, mom crossing her legs and staring at me with narrowed eyebrows. "You seem awfully quiet," she observed.

"Mom, so much just happened for these past six months," I sighed. Tears were threatening to flow out of my eyes. "My friends left, my ex-friend betrayed me, and I'm pregnant. It's too much to take in, to be honest."

"Well, I suppose that you're just dealing with the consequences that came to fooling around with Jeremiah."

I shut my eyes to keep the tears in. "I don't want to hear his name."

"I know, but sometimes you can't run away from everything," she shrugged.

I looked at her. "Really? Then how come I'm here all the way in Oakford, exactly running away from everything."

"Just remember this, Brooklyn. If it's meant to be, it's going to work," she advised. "Right now, forget him. Surround yourself with good people and live in the now."

"Mom," I snapped. "I tried doing yolo in summer and look what happened."

"That's only because you're too innocent," mom said. "Back to what I'm saying, maybe just forget all things bad and start focusing in the important things. Hmm.. say,
I don't know, your pregnancy?"

I sniffed. "Sorry, totally forgot about that," I joked.

"Hello, you're six months pregnant already. Three more months and you're gonna face one of the most hell-breaking pain ever."

I sniffed again. "More painful than Jem disowning our child?"

"Believe it or not, yes," my mom smiled sadly.

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