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Cody ran towards the door.

"Am I late?" A deep sexy voice asked.

Screw that. A deep sexy familiar voice.

Cody laughed. "It doesn't matter that you're late."

Jeremiah walked into the apartment.

Tawni squealed and stood up from the table. "Well it isn't the brace face!"

She ran towards him with open arms and hugged him for a second. She punched him in the chest and laughed. "You do know I'm heartbroken right now, but seeing a nerd like you made my thanksgiving."

"I don't appreciate the fact that you called me a nerd but I guess thats just you showing your affection towards me." He looked over at Tawni's shoulder and stared at me.

Stared at me.

His green eyes pierced into mine with so much intensity that I had to pretend that I was fascinated with my plate of roast turkey.

Mrs. Gumbletina clapped. "Well, this very handsome young man should eat. Come here!"

"Sit next to me, Jeremiah," Cody invited.

Cody and Tawni's parents greeted him as he took a seat beside Cody, who happens to be in front of me.

I feel him staring at me. He's staring at me. Make him stop.

Mrs. Gumbletina noticed my lack of speech.

"Brooklyn, greet the handsome young man a happy thanksgiving," she ordered.


I ignored her, picking at my mashed potatoes. "Brooklyn," Mrs. Gumbletina pushed.

I forced myself to look up at him. "Happy.. Thanksgiving," I mumbled, without even trying to form a smile.

I can't look at his staring eyes for long. I resorted to looking at the collar of his black polo instead. No. That's a bad idea. The muscle behind his polo was so visible. He was so hot. Of course he was. He played football in his spare time. Why did I remember that? No. I'll look at his hand. He's not wearing a ring. Somehow, I was expecting him wearing a wedding ring. No. What am I saying? He's engaged! Not married!

"Happy thanksgiving too," he replied. "Brooklyn."

The lunch was painless enough. Everyone chatted and so far, Jeremiah remained quiet for the whole time. When we finished eating, we all stayed in the living room. Tawni opened the special laser lights she installed on her living room apartment but her dad told her to close it considering that the huge six-foot window was supplying so much light into the room.

I sat on the couch while everyone was roaming around the house. I made sure to put a throw pillow above my stomach to hide the huge bulge of my pregnancy.

"Mom, please. I don't care about him anymore," Tawni stated, acting all impassive.

"Oh sweetie, it's fine to talk about him. Sometimes some breakups are bigger than others and I guess you got the huge one," her mom replied.

I looked to my left to see Cody and his parents talk to Mrs. Gumbletina.

"I've been teaching forever. When I retired, I started taking homeschooling services. I just can't stop teaching," she smiled.

A voice behind startled me.

"I guess you weren't expecting to see me."

I turned my head around to look at him. "I didn't notice the desolateness," I grimly muttered. He walked around the couch and sat next to me from a respectable distance.

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