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Jeremiah's POV

It's been a month since I've texted my best friends. Or in this matter, not-so-best-friends anymore.

From the three of them, no one bothered to come for my engagement party. Basically, the only person who managed to contact me was Cody, and what he said definitely was surprising.

He sent me this long ass message that he and the girls couldn't come because the three of them were busy.

Why? I had no idea. All Cody told me was that the girls had some "major woman business" as he calls it, then practically assumed that it was an already acceptable reason to just not attend to one of the most important events of my life.

"Jeremiah! Jeremiah!" Alida called from downstairs.

I stood up from the bed and walked out of the room.

"Yes, honey?" I tried to call out.

"Jeremiah Smith! Come down here!" She continued to call.

I ran down the stairs and walked to the living room, where Alida was sitting on the couch like a pharaoh or whatever royal blood there was.

"Get me my makeup kit, please," Alida sighed, her eyes shut.

I walked over the fireplace to get the huge makeup bag or whatever it's called lying beside it, then walked over to the couch where Alida was.

I sat beside her and rubbed her back. "Are you still sick?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Jeremiah, it doesn't matter that I'm sick. All I'm worried about is my business."

I'm not surprised.

"Does that mean you're going back to the building to work with Edward?"

"Yes, Jeremiah. I need to and you know that."


Alida stood up from the couch and carried the huge makeup bag with her, when all of a sudden she vomits in the middle of the living room.

"Oh my God!" I ran up to her and carried her bridal style.

"Manuelito! Lalya! Please come here! Alida puked!" I ordered. In a matter of seconds, our housekeepers ran into the living room carrying mops and rags and buckets of soap and water.

I carried Alida to the nearest bathroom and sat her down the toilet seat. I took off her shirt and threw it on the empty bath tub.

That's funny, I didn't remember Alida gaining that much weight.

Not that I was going to say that to her face.

And I should know if she's gotten a little bigger because I've seen her topless once.

Nothing naughty, I swear.

After cleaning Alida up, I brought her upstairs then I dressed her in a night gown, since I know she's sick and she'll complain to me later if her clothes were too tight.

I guess ever since our engagement, Alida felt more uncomfortable around me. She also disappeared frequently for "business" with one of the officers of our company which was Edward.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

What I forgot to mention was that Cody and I have been in touch for a month already, since he texted me about their unavailability of attending my rather formal engagement party which was supposed to be about commitment and love and cherishing and laughter and lots of happiness, but instead just consisted of business talk and proposals.

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