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Jeremiah's POV

If I haven't dodged the lamp, then it would've probably smashed my face.

"FUCK YOU JEREMIAH SMITH! YOU'RE THE BIGGEST FUCKED UP MAN IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE AND I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!" Alida screamed at me as she attempted to throw her cellphone on my face.


As much as I thought that girls would be crazy just like what that Taylor Swift girl would portray, I didn't know it could be this bad.

But I mean, I can't blame Alida. I would've tried to have her killed if I found out she's impregnated by another man.


The bedroom door bursts open and the house employees came running in, holding several random equipment to serve like weapons.

Manuelito, carrying a mop, shouts.

"What is happening here?!"

Alida pointed at me. "I'M TRYING TO FUCKING KILL HIM!"

A few of the house employees sighed in relief. "I thought there was an intruder-"

"GET HIM! I'LL BEAT HIM UP!!!" Alida shouts.

I pushed my way outside through the house staff who were wearing anxious, confused faces and ran down the hall.

Still wearing nothing but my boxers, I held my cellphone into my ear and dialed Cody's number.


Brooklyn's POV

I was eating a granola bar when Cody arrived in Tawni's apartment, looking anxious. "Brooklyn," he panted when he spotted me sitting on the couch being my normal couch potato mode.

"Are you hurt, anything?" He asks nervously as he holds my arm.

I snatched it from him and rolled my eyes. "What's up with you?"

"I was just making sure because Jem called me-"

"Cody," I scolded. "I don't give a fuck with him."

"No, but-"

"What? I know that his wife wants to talk to me. Alida Smith knows I'm carrying the son of her husband."

Cody gaped at me. "Tawni?" He asked.

I nodded. "Tawni."

Cody sat beside me. "I'm staying just in case. Jeremiah called me, panicking because his wife is currently on the attempts of murdering him. Literally. Just had to make sure you're safe and still in tact," he told me.

"Loosen your reigns, it's not like Alida Hamilton isn't the daughter of a rich CEO. Pretty sure she won't try to kill me," I tell him. "She must have a lot of class."

"You got a point," he nodded.

I faced him. "I thought we were mad at each other?"

"We are, but when it comes to your life, I'm making sure you live even when I'm pissed at you."

"You're so sweet," I sarcastically smile at him.

"You bet I am," he replies with a smile in the same tone.

Thirty minutes into the movie Cody and I were watching, I feel an intense pain starting at the pit of my stomach.

Then I suddenly started to sweat and I couldn't breathe.

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