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Information was overflowing inside my head. I had too much to take in on one day.

Both Tawni and Cody arrived at five pm. "There. I gave the damn money back to J. I made the bank call him and luckily, he wasn't busy attending to his fiancé that he had time to fight with me through the phone," Tawni said as she walked inside the house. "Nevertheless, he had no choice but to take his money back because I was literally shouting on the phone and the whole bank was staring at me."

She dropped on the couch beside me.

"Anyway, I don't want us fighting because I love you, so I'm totally talkative and happy Tawni again."

"Same. I hate it when we snap at each other." I smiled again. "Your hair really makes you different."

"I know, isn't it pretty?"

The three of us watched television until it grew dark outside. We ordered Chinese food, making my mom grimace as she realized that I was going to eat spring rolls- she still can't believe I'm being healthy now.

Mom is still sad because of talking about the past, so she's leaving on Tuesday to go with Bill in Minnesota which is three days from now, seeing that its Saturday.

"I just can't believe him," Tawni rolls her eyes. Cody was silently sitting at the end of the long couch the three of us were at as he watched a soccer game.

"The first time you get some and you end up pregnant," Tawni angrily mused. "He told you to use your head but he's the one drunk and stupid enough not to use a condom."

I sighed. There goes the talkative and ever-supportive Tawni I know. "Whatever. I don't care about him."

"He's such a di-," Tawni hisses but stops abruptly as dad gives her a mild glower.

Dad happens to be standing in the living room. Seven o clock in the evening already?

"Remember, what you say to the pregnant and what she hears, the-" dad started.

Tawni and I cut him off. "The baby hears." Dad has been reading your ex-fiancé's books, I've tried to tell her, but she would only flip into her depressed mode.

"Right. Sorry Mr. Meester, that's why I can't say the word dick," Tawni apologizes.

I burst out laughing.

"Oh my gosh, I said dick!" She gasps. She slapped her mouth with both hands.

Dad sighed, while I saw Cody trying to cover his smile with his palms.

"Does anyone notice how weird it sounds calling Brooklyn's dad "Mr. Meester?" Because it's like repeating words," Cody says absently as he watched a striker run with a soccer ball on tv.

"..Anyway, Brooklyn, are you ready?" Dad asks.

I stare at him confusedly for a moment until I remembered that he was supposed to bring me somewhere.

"Oh, right," I answered. I stood up from the couch and looked down at my outfit. I was wearing black yoga pants, dad's big blue shirt that ended above my knees, and cute blue ballet flats. I had my brown curly hair into a bun above my head.

I said goodbye to Tawni and Cody then followed my dad into his car- he can't take the police cars home duh- then I buckled myself into the passenger seat.

Dad started driving. At that moment, I saw him differently. Memories of him being sweet to me after he and mom fought every night came back into my head. He was doing those things out of guilt.

He liked someone else and he broke mom's heart. I mean, I didn't know his side of the story, but I guess I didn't bring myself to care anymore.

I didn't even realize it, but we've already arrived to where dad wanted to take me. It looked like we were parked outside a peach colored house, so much smaller than dad's.

Its size was like Tawni's apartment back home, just a tad smaller.

"Where are we?" I asked as we walked towards the porch of the house. It was illuminated by a bunch of house lamps.

"You need to meet someone," he told me. "It's time."

"Margo?" I asked him. His fist was hovering over the door, about to knock when he got off guard with me.

"You know about her?" He asked.


He was silent, then knocked on the door. "Yes, I also want you to meet her but there's another person you have to meet."

"What does it matter, dad?" I asked him in a begging tone. "I don't want to meet her, gosh, how could you think I want to meet her?"

"Brooklyn, given your circumstance, I know that you're-"

"I know that I'm going through the same thing like you and her used to but my situation is a hundred percent more different and I don't want any of this- I got too much to think of!"

"Brooklyn, listen to me-"

"No, Callan!"

The door suddenly pulls open.


What do you think Margo's like?
Who's the other person Brook's dad wants her to meet besides Margo??

Wellllll... Keeeeep reading hehe luv u will update asaaaaap

Dont forget to vote and comment! Luv uuuuu.


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