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Mom tried contacting Tawni while I ate a bowl of mom's "special" granola.

Mom has been talking to Bill nonstop on the phone as she tells him to buy fancy baby equipment.

"Do you plan to go back to Tawni's apartment when everything's doing okay?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "Yeah, I mean, Tawni and her ex-fiancé had already finished a baby room in there for.." I hesitated to continue when I realized that my son was once again nameless.

"Oooh! I love giving names! Let me help you," mom says as she flips her blonde hair. She took out her phone and opened her notes, her fingers readily hovering into the touch screen keypad as she tried to think of a name.

"I don't know, mom. I suck with names," I sighed. "Maybe I should just call him Thomas. I mean, that was his original name anyway."

Mom winked and typed it on her phone. "Thomas. That's beautiful. Like Tommy," she mused. "How about for the second name?"

Mom started dictating boy names for a complete minute until I cut her off.

"How about Zachary? I mean, I find the name amazing," I shrugged.

Mom laughed at me. "Why are you looking so unsure? It's your son anyway, so I guess whatever name you want for him will work."

"So, Thomas Zachary?" I asked for approval.

"Handsome names for a handsome son," mom chuckled.

An hour later, mom and I heard a knock on the door. It was just seven in the evening.

The door opened and dad emerged in the huge living room. Mom and I quietly stared at him, the both of our legs folded in front of our chests.

Dad looked back at us and at the flat screen television which was airing another episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Dad cleared his throat and walked pass us when mom spoke up. "Callan," she greeted.

"Marlyn," dad coughed.

Dad was starting to walk towards the kitchen when mom blurts, "Nice chandelier cleaning."

Dad was already in the kitchen when he chuckled. I looked at mom with a bit of a smile tugging at the end of my lips.

"What?" She snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "I hate this fake reality tv show. It's bad for my son," I huffed. Then secretly smiled.

"It's really confusing. Everything's so confusing," I rambled into the phone.

"Which part? Your parents talking downstairs alone or the fact that you love your son's new name?" Tawni asked.

"Everything. Anyway, when are you coming back?"

"I forgot to tell you, but I'm already on my apartment. I cleaned it up the whole day!" She cheered.

"WHAT?" I nearly choked on my orange juice packet. "Why didn't you tell me you arrived back in the amazing country of ours?"

"Because I was too busy cleaning the house," she simply answered.

"How did you clean Cody's directionless fury aimed at your furniture all alone?" I asked. "I mean, didn't you get any help?"

"I'm going there in Oakford tomorrow, okay? Just wait for me. I'm riding the bus, then a cab," she said impatiently. "I have to sleep early because I'm taking off at six am. It's three hours to get there."

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