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Jeremiah's POV

After our little heart-to-heart session in the bedroom, Alida decided to go to her dad's house to be able to "rejuvenate" and "clear" her thoughts, so once again I was left alone.

I reached for my phone and scrolled through my contacts.

brooks books

I stared at my phone, hesitation still numbing my fingers. Screw it.

The call was on its second ring when Brooklyn answered. She was silent, so I immediately talked before she hung up.

"Brooklyn, can I.. Talk to you?"

Still silent. I pulled my phone away from my ear and checked if I was still on the line.

I was about to repeat what I said when Brooklyn coughed. "Oh. Hi."

I silently sigh in relief.

"So.. Brooklyn.. How are you?" I try to ask.

She hissed. "Well, acting like nothing's wrong, huh? Don't be an ass."

My eyes widen at her response. "I know that you're enjoying your life there with you fiancé and thats why you shouldn't bother contacting me. There's nothing to talk about," she said in an orderly way.

"Brooklyn, let me at least think what happened a month ago," I tried to say.

"Are you kidding me? It's been a month since I told you."

I heard her sigh. "Jeremiah, it's not that I'm asking for your support, it's just that- this.. This is all too hard for me."

"What do you want me to do? Dump my fiancé for someone I got pregnant?"

The second I opened my mouth, I suddenly panicked.

"How dare you!" She screamed. "All I want is to know that you'd at least help me with this!"

I grunted. "No. I'm sorry but I can't. Do you know how pressured Alida is because of her father? Do you know how scared she is of her father?" I started. "How tragic it would be if I call off our wedding? Why can't you use that brain of yours!"

She sniffled, then started to sob. "Jem.. How could you.."

Maybe I was a little to hard on her, but it was her fault in the first place anyway.

And I needed to at least know that I still had a grip on everything.

"It's not my decision to make, Brooklyn," I pushed. "Stop being selfish."

"How dare you!" She exclaimed, her voice breaking in the end. "I hate you! How could I even think to work things with you-"

"Yeah, you hate me. Hate me for leaving, hate me for coming back, and hate me for choosing the best thing for me! Gee, Brooklyn, that's no surprise!" I panted, my fist clenching so tight that my knuckles were starting to whiten.

"I swear, Jeremiah. If you don't stop being the assclown that you are, I'm going to-" she started to threaten.

"What? Sue me? It's not my fault you're so screwed up right now," I retorted. "I'm just making a sacrifice."

She cried for a few seconds before speaking again. "I swear, Jeremiah Smith. This will be the last fucking time I'm talking to you-"

I cut her off. "Oh, I'm sad," I said sarcastically.

"I swear that you will never, ever, see me again," she spat. "And I fucking swear on my grave that you will never, ever-"

"What? What could you possibly say to intimidate me?" I asked.

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