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"Come with me because I live in a place a million times better than this dump!"

I told you.

"Callan, yeah, I know. Don't you see these backpacks I'm carrying? They're filled with my clothes and essentials and I am so more than ready to come with you," I exasperated.

Callan narrowed his eyes at me and took out his phone. "I'm texting Marlyn to tell her I'm taking you to Oakford."

Oakford is basically the name of the subdivision where my dad lives. He's got a huge apartment there that screams fancy. It's situated on the deepest north of Florida where we are now. I would always wonder how he's rich, but hey. My dad's a sheriff so I'm either guessing that his salary's a lot or if he just waves a magic wand in the air and money comes out. Probably the former.

Callan sat on the driver's side of his silver Honda Civic, me sitting on the passenger seat.

In the midst of driving, he turned down the volume of the country song we were barely listening to.

"So, may I ask why you're pregnant?" He asks without looking up from the road.

I sighed. "Jeremiah Smith. Former best friend. Summer party. Drunk, maybe. Reproductive system functioning well. Do the science."

Callan gave me a quick glance and he briefly shut his eyes. "This is all my fault. If you weren't so depressed about me and your mother-"

"It's none of your fault, Callan. I was simply a hormonal teenager who suddenly feels infatuated to her suddenly-hot best friend," I explained. "Don't take any blame for this. As much as it was real shitty that you left mom and I when I was eight, you are actually an incredible father."

He gave me a look with one of his eyebrows raised. "You say?"

I nodded. "You used to buy me ice cream after every shouting fest you had with mom because you knew that it made me cry hearing my parents scream their heads off." I raised one finger.

He made a "mmm" sound and I raised another finger. "You attend every science fair I had, even clapping so darn hard for my origami-making project, even when it was named as the poorly-thought project."

"Japanese origami takes a lot of concentration and mental power. You deserved a gold back then!"

I laughed. "I can hardly believe that you remember things concerning me," he quietly says.

"Billy Fords is not affectionate. All he does is give me allowance every month and that's it. I don't see him as a loving father. Just a loving new husband to mom."

"I'm glad you said that because I was thinking the same," he smiled.

"I'm glad too, dad."

After a few seconds into Rihanna's new song, dad looks at me as we stopped by a red light.
"Brooklyn, I have something to ask," he started.

"Shoot," I answered.

"Does this Jeremiah know I'm a cop?"

I lay in my father's guest room bed, trying to organize my thoughts. Sometimes I would feel like I'm an unstable person, eating nothing but greek yogurt when Jem left, smiling and calling Callan as my father when I feel giddy, desperately wanting Cody and Tawni back when they both left in their separate ways, the list goes on.

I'd like to think that I'm just normally unstable because I'm pregnant but then again, I know deep down that I have issues.

Think about it, if I wasn't as unstable as I was, I wouldn't have forced Jem to sleep with me.

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