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Jeremiah's POV

Alida hands me my daily newspapers across the table. She looks so perfect sitting there in front of me, trying to slice her blueberry waffles into tiny pieces. She picks a piece up with a fork and raised it to her beautiful mouth, but she lowered it back on her plate when she caught me staring at her.

"Do you want my waffles, Jeremiah?" She wondered. "I told you to tell Chef Michael to cook waffles for you instead of pancakes. Now you just can't stop eyeing up my breakfast, can you?"

I smiled at her.

"I was just staring at you. You're so beautiful."

She rolled her eyes but I saw a hint of smile from her plump lips. "Oh please don't stop," she joked.

I knew it wasn't a mistake to move to New York. I'm having the time of my life here: a great girlfriend, a great job, and a great home. Not to mention I am so rich, mainly because Alida's dad own the company I'm working at and he's aware that I'm a direct descendant of my grandfather's company which was the brother-company of Alida's dad's company.

Confusing, I know. But you'll get it.

My life has been doing great here in New York.

Even if it meant that I had to leave some.. memorable "stuff" back in Florida.


"Are you sick?" Alida interrupts.

I shake out of my reminiscing head and paid my full attention to her.

"What? No, of course not, sweetie."

Alida looks at me undoubtedly.
"Well, sure seems like it because you're not touching your breakfast."

Not planning to make my girl upset, I put the newspaper down and started to eat my breakfast. I look up from Alida's shoulder to see our house chef smiling at me.


Brooklyn's POV

The "introduction" went quite well, if i must say.

Ivan smiled the whole time as Tawni told us the story of how he proposed to her. Which was actually pretty sweet because it happened about a week ago- I glared at Tawni because how could she keep a secret to me?!- when Ivan took her to this kind of overlooking place where you get to park your car while you enjoy the beautiful view of the cliff.

Apparently, Ivan kneeled in front of her during the sunset and took out a purple velvet jewelry box.

I can say that I'm pretty jealous, but it's stupid because I'm only seventeen.

Why should I think about that kind of mushy stuff?

Tawni purposely waved her hands around while telling the story in the intention of showing off her Tiffany's diamond engagement ring.

Throughout the whole "introduction" thing, I was fiddling with loose hair strands from my ponytail while Cody, who was sitting beside me on the couch, occasionally looked at me whenever he thinks I wasn't looking.

By now, I'm already lying down on my bed, heart still beating fast because I just received a text from my stepfather's company that I got in as the receptionist's assistant.

Very low position, but it was enough because I wanted to feel occupied.

I started to feel dizzy- this head breaking migraine started weeks ago, but I just ignored it.

Not to mention the undesirable amount of my vomiting.

The pain kicked in occasionally so I thought of it as something that didn't matter that much.

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