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Before we started, it was over.

Mom called again the next day. I told her about Jeremiah and I, and how he bought me a beach. Mom was excited as ever. She was going wild and crazy (in the good and annoying way) and she was squealing like a total teenager through the phone.

"I love him so much that I'm terrified," I breathed into the phone.

"Oh, honey, I know that feeling. Don't you worry. It's normal."

"But mom," I croaked.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving, remember? What am I supposed to do?"

"Brooklyn, what if you shouldn't move in with Bill and I. I mean, come on, Brooklyn Celine Logan-Meester soon-to-be-hopefully-Smith. Get real. You have a beach, bought for you by the guy you've loved for so long. Would you even consider leaving?"

I shut my eyes and a few tears fall out. "I don't know. Now that I'm back in reality, I still want to leave," I sniffed.

"Brooklyn," mom warned.

"I'm taking Tom with me and we're leaving and that's it," I sobbed again.

"Brooklyn, don't you dare cry harder. You know I can't help but cry if you cry," mom whines.

"I can't help it," I cried.

"What's wrong with you, Brooklyn? You've been awfully depressed lately."

"It's nothing mom, I'm just really... well, okay. I am depressed with everything."

"Oh, and you want to depress yourself more by leaving Jeremiah, right?" mom says sarcastically.

"But mom, that's really what I want to do. I want to leave with Tom."

There was a moment of deadly silence before mom says, "Alright. We'll still go there on Saturday."

"Thanks, mom."

"You take care, Brooklyn."

"Same to you, mom."

"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you more, mom."

I was sitting on the couch, watching television with Tom crawling on the soft carpet when Jeremiah arrives in the house. He was wearing some khaki shorts and a green tee that complimented his eyes so much. He was also wearing docksiders.

"You going to a beach?" I teased him. He walks towards me and kisses me on the lips briefly before taking Tom in his arms.

"Yeah, and you are too," he answers, looking smug.

I roll my eyes at him. "Like you can make me," I scoffed. "I've had enough sand for now. I came back home at eleven yesterday, creating a trail of sand on the house that made Tawni crazy."

"Don't worry, we're not going to leisure on the beach again for today," he winks.

I rolled my eyes again at him. I can't believe him, being so blunt that it annoys and turns me on at the same time.

"We're going to fix a few stuff in the beach, you know, because it's yours and Tom loves the beach and you shouldn't disappoint our son," he beamed.

"Fine," I huffed and stood from the couch. "I'm just going to change."

As I was supposed to walk away, he holds on my arm and pulls me for a kiss. His lips taste like bacon and he smells newly showered with that watermelon shampoo of his and aftershave. He pulls away and gives me multiple pecks of kisses. On my forehead, my cheeks, my chin, the tip of my nose, and then he kisses me on the lips again. When he was done, he lets go of me and slightly pushes me away from him.

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