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Before I even had the chance to shoot questions at Tawni, she was already talking and talking and talking about her engagement with the guy she's been dating for almost a year.

I always teased her about settling down ever since, but wow. I guess she really was.

Funny though, she wasn't with her boyfriend during the party I got wild.

"Ivan is totally sweet. He's totally the perfect guy for me. Okay, I get that I'm only eighteen, but come on! I can still get engaged! Ivan said he's planning to marry me after three years! He's just saving up for our life. Isn't that sweet?" Tawni blurted out in one breath.

"Woah. Does that mean you're going to leave me here?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know. Those are details that are soon to be talked about but now let's not think about them first," she said. "Besides, you and Cody may get together and you'll both look so cute aww!"

Okay, she's acting more maturely now. I'm not sure if I like it or not.

Oh, who am I kidding; of course I like it.

"When do I get to meet Ivan? And I mean as someone whose engaged to my bestie?" I wondered. "Not as "Tawni's twenty-second boyfriend?""

"Well, I knew you were gonna ask that so I already called him this morning to come here later this noon. I'm so excited!" She squealed.

"Should I get dressed? We see each other every week anyway when he picks you up for your date."

"Hmm.. Yes, of course! This engagement changes everything!" She cheered.

Then.. Here I am being the most weirdest person, just had to ask:

"Have you guys.. Done it?"

Tawni looked at me in confusion then laughed. Then she looked anxious.

"Don't judge me but... No, we haven't!" She whisper-shouted.

I started to laugh. Oh, Tawni. This isn't something she's supposed to be ashamed of.

"Yet! Yet! Yet!" She added.

I nodded then continued to fix my cereal up and then entered my bedroom, leaving Tawni daydreaming in the kitchen.

She keeps playing with her name and how it would sound like if she mixed it up with Ivan's surname which was Tucker.

Tawni Tucker. Not bad.

I ate my cereal on my desk then I flopped myself down on the bed.

I checked my phone and saw Cody's continuous text messages to me.

"Good morning baby!"

"Wait, have you heard Tawni's news!!"

"Who am I kidding, you live with her! Of course you'd know."

"You're not responding. Wake up you pretty a$$!"

I laughed out loud and sent him replies.

"Goodmornin' Codes. And yes, Tawni is engaged to Ivan, I'm aware. And don't call me ass okay because I was enjoying my sleep. lol."

Deep inside me, I was feeling hollow.

And I have no idea why, to be honest.

Why am I suddenly so depressed?

Tawni knocked on my door then walked in on my room. "Hey, is wearing a white cocktail dress appropriate enough for the engagement party?" She asks nervously.

"What? There's an engagement party already?"

"No," she scowled at me like the answer was supposed to be obvious. "The engagement party will take place next week, June 20 at the Dulcé de Café and Restoranté."

"Well, that place is fancy. And it's expensive," I commented. "And has a lot of é's."

"Yeah, and so is our love for each other!" She says, clearly thinking about Ivan Tucker.

"Wow. That is just.. Deep."

"So, anyhow, white dress it is?" She repeats.

"White dress it is," I agreed.

"Do you think I should invite Jem?" Tawni suddenly asks while we were both watching television in the living room.

"Huh? What?" I asked in confusion.

"To my engagement party, dumb bot. I think he should come too even if he's like really far away from us." She shrugged.

That would be awkward on my part.

"I think.. It depends on what you think, but as a friendly suggestion... I think you shouldn't invite him," I pretended to stare at the television and look nonchalant.

"Hmm.. Why not? He's a great best guy friend!" She says.

"Well.. I don't know.. Like what I said, it depends on you and I'll support you I swear. Although I'll support you more if you don't invite him.."

She looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's up with you and Jem? Is this because he's leaving so you're mad at him or something like that?"

I whipped my head to her direction.

"What? Of course not! I wouldn't care less if he left me over and over again," I huffed.

She laughed.


"What's so funny now? You know what? I prefer being with the original Tawni than this giggly version." I gave her my deadly scowl.

"It's just that.. You said "me." Like, Jeremiah just left you? I knew that the both of you are ultra close but I didn't mean this clingy kind of close."

"I said "us." Get a hearing aid!" I stood up from the couch and walked out of the living room.

That was a lie.

Obviously, I'm not gonna admit it. Especially am I not going to mention Jeremiah's midnight memory.

When I was about to enter my bedroom door, I heard Tawni chuckling.


Author's note:

I swear the story is going to an unexpected (or expected for some readers) turn so please do continue reading mwahahahaha

Anyway, thank u for the reads 😁😁 please vote and maybe comment? Idk ok bye lol

-ellie belly

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