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I decided to go to the park with Tom.

Finally, alone. Just my son and I.

I used the baby stroller Margo gave me for Christmas and let Tommy sit comfortably as I walked him around the park.

The park was no different with the one near Oakford so I at least felt like I was still with my dad. I decided to park the stroller in front of a wooden bench. I sat on the bench as I played with Thomas.

"Yes. We are at the park, Tommy. The scene around us is amazing."

I earned a giggle. Tommy reached for me with his tiny arms and poked my cheeks. "Gugugu..jiajiji," he babbled.

"Say, "mommy"," I told him, which was ridiculous because he was too young.

He just squealed and gripped my index finger with his little hand. "You're so adorable. I could just eat you," I joked at him.

"Hi," someone says.

I looked up to see a pair of familiar emerald eyes like Tommy's.

I gaped at him. "What the heck are you doing here?" I asked him, irritation in my voice.

"Um, I'm.. I left the company," he mumbled.

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I left the company and I left New York. I moved back here with my grandma and I divorced with Alida."

"Don't even mention her name," I grimaced. "Why did you do all those things?"

"I realized that I wasn't savoring my teen years," he shrugged. "I don't want to be like my grandpa, who never felt wild and happy during his teen years."

I laughed at him, the sarcastic deadly-calm kind. "Didn't we get "wild" and "happy" during that summer? Don't tell me you forgot about that."

"Brooklyn, I just really want to apologize. I felt so miserable all this time knowing I've been such an ass and I just wanted to fix everything and I don't know what I could do to make it up to you and-"

I stopped listening to him and stared at Tommy. Tommy started smiling and squealing the moment Jeremiah started rambling.

"He sounds ridiculous, don't he?" I cooed at Tommy. Tommy giggles at me.

"Maybe he just remembers me," Jeremiah suggested.

"What? He doesn't know who you are and he never met you," I scowled at him.

"Are you sure about that?" He smirks.

"Shut up," I hissed at him.

"He saw me already," he points at Tommy. "I saw him when Cody babysat him."

I stood up from the bench and pulled Jeremiah by the arm. We were at the end of the bench. Hopefully Tommy wouldn't notice that there were steams coming out of my ears.

"You WHAT?!" I hissed at him. I had to look up because he was too tall and it made my neck hurt a little.

"Don't blame Cody, he didn't even want me to go near your baby. He literally banished me from his home," Jeremiah raises his hands in surrender.

"Your" baby. That's right. Tommy's just mine.

I shut my eyes to calm my raging nerves. "Please tell me you don't know his name."

"I don't," he answers bluntly.

I looked at him. "Good. Now go. I originally planned to be alone with my son." I walked towards the stroller again and unlocked the wheels so it could move again.

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