"No, of course not. Thank you for telling me." She smiled as she watched his curls settle in their new position.

"Now, it's your turn in a hot chair." He laughed referring to her questioning from earlier. "Tell me about yourself. Where your from, your family, your career. I want to know everything."

"Okay... Buckle up." She chuckled and began her monologue.

Ann talked about her childhood, how she was always drawn to the stage. She mentioned her biggest supporter, her mother. She didn't mention the events from last year. She didn't feel comfortable enough as it was still so fresh. As she was talking, Joe got comfortable and laid on the table, resting his head on his hand. He was a very good listener. He made sure he heard every word that came out of her mouth and never interrupted her. He was just nodding his head and sometimes shaking it in disbelief.

"... And then Travis came up to me and the rest you know already." She took a deep breath ending the monologue. She looked up at Joe, who was now digesting all the information in silence. "Wow, you're still awake." She chuckled.

Joe sit up, returning to his previous position. He looked at her, trying to read her emotions.

"You continue to surprise me."

She started to wonder how their conversation has changed. From lustful looks and sexual tension to deep and emotional talks. She began to see past him just being hot and saw how empathetic and caring he can be. A man of million faces. He was fascinating to her. They continued to discuss her speech and she couldn't help but notice how he managed to remember small details from what she was saying. She felt understood and needed. It was so weird how easy she found talking to him was. They got so lost in the deep conversations that they didn't even noticed the sun was already starting to set. Ann checked her phone to see the time. 6:02 p.m. They had been talking for about two hours now. Her phone was on silent because of the meeting and she had noticed 8 missed calls from Jazz and dozens of texts asking where she was and if she was okay.

"I really have to go home now." She tucked the strand of hair behind her ear and stood up from the chair. She brushed through her outfit and turned to look at Joe who was now eyeing her from up and down. She couldn't not use this opportunity to get him at his own game.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." She mocked his words from earlier and Joe got caught off guard. He did not expect that. He let out a nervous laugh and brushed through his hair.

'Success.' She thought to herself proudly, finally getting Joe uncomfortable. He jumped from the table and they went out of the conference room and down the hall to the elevator. The walk was silent, each of them lost in their thoughts. Ann clicked the elevator button and leaned against the wall. Joe faced the windows overlooking the city and didn't move a bit. The elevator finally arrived, breaking the awkward silence. They rushed inside and Joe clicked the ground floor button. Ann let out a sigh and they just stood there, unable to say a word. The atmosphere in the elevator felt dense. She could feel his eyes locked on her, but she didn't let him win again. When he turned his gaze, she looked at him and he stood still. It was like putting two lions in a small cage together. Both fighting for the dominance. She turned her head to the elevator door and they just stood there, as the air got hotter from their heavy breaths. The sexual tension was undeniable. She remembered all those movies where the characters made out in the elevator until they heard the 'ding' and stopping to not get caught. She imagined him pushing her against the wall and grasping her hands above her head as he kissed her neck. She started to sweat, unable to hold her thoughts together. She wondered what was going on in his mind in that moment. If he did the same or if she was just fucking crazy.

Finally, the elevator stopped and Ann rushed out of her, desperate for fresh air. She breathed in trying to calm her mind. The receptionist was still at her desk and she noticed them. She gave a warm smile and walked them off with her eyes, before getting back to her laptop. They walked out of the building and into the parking lot. She stopped at her car, while Joe continued to walk, so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't even noticed.

"Bye, then." She shouted at him, causing him to turn instantly on his heel.

"Oh my god, sorry. I was... Never mind." He shrugged it off and plastered on his signature smile.

"That's me." She pointed at the car and grasped on the car keys in her hand as he came closer.

They just stood there in silence, not being able to look each other in the eyes. There was so much emotions going through her mind, that she wasn't able to comprehend. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comforting. She saw with the corner of her eye that he looked up to her and her heart skipped a bit. She waited a couple seconds before meeting his gaze. She was the first one to speak up.

"Thank you for today. Thank you for caring and noticing me. Today was a difficult day for me, but you helped me get through it, so I'm grateful for that. Thank you." She gave him a warm smile while lightly rocking from side to side.

"Thank you for letting me get to know you. And for the talk. I don't know what it is about you, but everything's so easy with you." He said while he stared at her. She smiled and started to turn to the door, but he was faster.

"Let me." He said before opening the door for her and gesturing for her to get inside.

"Thank you." She laughed at his attempt to be classy. She rolled down her window and started her car.

Joe leaned against the car, his hands resting at the top of it. His muscles were now showing and his eyes meeting her from under his curls. She was unable to steady her breath and she let him win at the end. She couldn't fight it anymore. She didn't have anything left to say.

"See you at the rehearsal tomorrow." He smirked and walked off, not letting her respond. He was enjoying himself.

The ride home was long as she tried to comprehend what just happened. How did she fall so fast for someone and that someone being her boss, as a matter of fact. She wondered how they went through different phases of emotions from sexual to emotional to awkward. She couldn't read through that man. But she also couldn't help but admit, that she liked the teasing and eye contact with him. He was exceptional when it comes to looks and he knew how to use that. He was very confident and so was she, causing them to be like a lit dynamite together. But there was something about this man that was so tempting. Even though it was dangerous, she wanted to jump deeper.

As she opened the door to her apartment, she didn't say anything and just opened the fridge. Jazz ran to the kitchen and screamed.

"Girl, you want me to have a heart attack? Where were you? Why weren't you answering?!" Ann didn't respond and instead took the bottle of vodka that was standing in the fridge doors and took a sip straight from the bottle. A couple sips actually. "Oh..." was all Jazz could say, understanding that it was a tough day for her.

Ann wiped her mouth from excess alcohol and let out a heavy sigh. She rested her hand on the counter, the other still holding the bottle of liquor.

"Ann, talk to me." Said Jazz quietly and very shy, which was unlike her. She knew she had to tell her, but she felt embarrassed. She just let her guard down. And not only that, she did that for a womanizer, who was trouble, as Jinjoo said. All the signs and warnings and she still couldn't get him out of her mind.

"Jazz, what is my life..." she just said and started laughing and crying at the same time. The emotions took over and she felt like a wreck. She turned and slid down to the floor, holding her head in her arms.

Jazz came down to her and hugged her. They stayed like that for a couple minutes, before Ann started opening about the events and feelings that occurred earlier that day.

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