Ch 41 Rosegarden Week 4 Plans

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Oscar's POV:

It had been almost a week since Ruby and I announced our love for each other, and things were great. We'd been on many dates, kissed a lot, spent time alone, and things were going great. If only Yang was more accepting of our relationship, Ruby would be happier. Tai and Qrow swung by from time to time to check up on us.

Tai would occasionally threaten me about making sure Ruby didn't cry. At the same time, Qrow pestered Yang about why she was so angry at us, but that only made her more furious. She had been avoiding us entirely, and it was worrying everyone. Ultimately, Ruby decided not to worry about Yang at all anymore. She wouldn't change overnight, and Ruby wasn't responsible for her sister's feelings.

Today, Ruby and I sat cozily on the couch, wrapped up in each other's warmth, watching a movie. The room was filled with the soft screen glow, casting a warm ambiance around them. Despite our happiness, we couldn't ignore the fact that our relationship, while still strong, had entered a more settled phase.

Ruby let out a contented sigh, resting her head on my shoulder. "You know," she said, her voice thoughtful, "I think the honeymoon phase might be over, but I'm not upset about it. I'm happy being with you, no matter how mundane things seem."

I smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind Ruby's ear. "I feel the same way," I admitted, "Every moment with you is special, whether big or simple."

"Hey, let's plan a date!"

"But we've been going on dates non-stop."

"Yeah, but let's make this date simple and sweet. It doesn't have to be big or grand-"

"Or buying so many steaks you get sick."

"Oh, that was one time!"

"Sure it was."

"Dummy head!"

Ruby hit me in the head with her pillow, and we started wrestling on the couch, laughing and playing. As we continued, I heard footsteps and looked to see Pyrrha passing by. She seemed sad; her arms were crossed, and her head was down.

"What's wrong, Pyrrha?" Ruby asked, concern etched in her eyes.

Pyrrha hesitated for a moment before pouring out her heart. "It's Jaune," she confessed, her voice heavy with frustration. "I've been trying to confess my feelings, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get through to him. I'm at a loss."

Ruby shared a knowing glance with me, her hand finding Pyrrha's shoulder comfortingly. "Confessing your feelings can be really tough," she said, her voice gentle. "I remember how Oscar confessed his love for me, and I ran away. I know how hard it must've been for him to confess his feelings, and I know how much I hurt him when I did that. But eventually, after the mission in Atlas, I returned and confessed my feelings too. It's a journey, and sometimes it takes time and patience."

I nodded, with understanding. "You have to find the right moment," I added, my tone reassuring. "Be sincere and genuine. Love has a way of breaking through, especially when it's heartfelt. I know how heartfelt I was when I met Ruby, and it's been the same ever since. Don't give up, Pyrrha; keep finding ways to get Jaune to notice you. Spend more time with and get to know his heart; soon, you'll find the courage to tell him how you feel."

"Thank you, both of you," she said, her voice sincere. "I appreciate your advice. I'll keep trying, and maybe I'll find the courage to talk to him."

"You can do it, Pyrrha," encouraged Ruby, "make Arkos come true!"

"Okay, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Jaune doesn't understand me when I flirt or try to tell him how I feel; his head is thick sometimes."

I tried not to snicker.

Pyrrha's POV:

"I appreciate your support, really, but I just don't know what to do anymore. I've tried talking to Jaune and attempted to get him alone, but nothing seems to work. I thought confessing my feelings would be enough, but it's as if I've hit a wall."

Oscar and Ruby exchanged a concerned glance, their eyes filled with empathy

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Oscar and Ruby exchanged a concerned glance, their eyes filled with empathy. Oscar, his voice gentle, spoke first. "Pyrrha, it's okay to feel uncertain. Love is complicated, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. But you can't lose hope. Keep trying, and don't be afraid to be yourself around him. Sometimes, the most unexpected moments can lead to something beautiful."

Ruby nodded in agreement, her eyes unwavering. "Exactly. Don't rush things or force yourself into a mold you think he'll like. Be genuine, be honest, and most importantly, be patient. If he's the right person, he'll appreciate you for who you are."

Their sincerity warmed my spirit, infusing me with a newfound determination. I wiped away a tear, a mixture of sadness and gratitude, and managed a small smile. "Thank you both," I said, soft but resolute. "I won't give up. I'll find my way, no matter how uncertain the path may seem. I'll find a way to get him to notice me! Then I'll tell him I love him with everything I have!"

"But it's Jaune," said Ruby, "the only thing more dense than his head is Nora's hammer."

"Oh, he's not that dense."

I turned around and headed out of the room when I heard Ruby get an idea.

Ruby's POV:

"I hope all the best for Pyrrha," I said, resting my head on the pillows.

"Yeah, me too," said Oscar, flicking my ear, "I just hope Jaune can respond to her feelings honestly."

"Ow! But yes, I agree, Jaune is more aware of his feelings than others. After all, at Beacon, he had a huge crush on Weiss and never gave up regardless of how much she rejected him, and then he didn't even know when Pyrrha said she didn't have a date for the school dance."

"Well, surely he knew when she kissed him, right?"

"He told me she gave him a weird CPR lesson."

"Oh, come on, Jaune!" Oscar said face-palming

"Yeah, I know," I snickered, "If he dated Weiss, I shudder to think about how bad a boyfriend he'd be."

"Oh god, I didn't think of that!"

"Yeah, all that time he spent with seven sisters, and he's totally oblivious to women."

I turned my gaze towards Oscar. "You know what? We've had our fair share of ups and downs, grand adventures, and intense battles. But maybe we're missing out on the simple things."

Oscar raised an eyebrow, curious. "What do you mean?"

A mischievous glint sparkled in my eyes as I leaned closer to Oscar, our faces just inches apart. "We always have done big things in our lives, so let's do something small instead!"

"What did you have in mind?"

"Why don't we have a picnic?" I whispered, a playful smile tugging at my lips.

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