Chapter 17.5: On the Move

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Third Person POV:

In a secret hideout somewhere in Vale, Salem and her subordinates, minus Emerald, were sitting around in an abandoned warehouse. Mercury, Tyrian, and the others were waiting for Salem to tell them their next move since Team RWBY and the others were back in town...or kingdom, whichever works.

"This is so boring," groaned Mercury, "I wish Salem would give us our new orders so we can finally do something. Waiting for the new guy to get back and Tyrian to finish what he's doing in that lab of his is so annoying. I mean, the only scientist in our group is Watts, but he's not here right now, so what the heck could Tyrian be working on?"

"Oh, stop whining," snapped Hazel, "we just have to be patient and wait for Salem to give us something new to do. We didn't join her to have fun all the time. We're here to help her in her world conquest. Ever since we lost Emerald and Neo, we've been short-handed. Watts died in the canon with me, so we need all the help we can get, whether that means sitting around all day. So be quiet and wait."

"Oh please, like I'm going to take orders from the tallest man in the world who died but is such a short kid. You're nothing but brute force and dust, and even then, you defected way too easily, according to the comments on Youtube. People used to see you as a threat; now we see you as the pile of ash that farmboy turned you into, Hazelnut."


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Hazel stood up and stormed over to Mercury, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and holding him in the air.

"Be quiet, you no-legged punk," Hazel growled, "you have no room to talk about anyone and what they're doing. I joined Salem to get revenge for my sister, and once I found peace, I changed sides. On the other hand, you came because you felt like it and nothing else. You're bored. After all, you have no conviction or reason for being here or doing anything besides being used as a tool for Salem's dirty work because you're not good for anything else. Not to me, Salem, your father, or anyone else. I may have been reduced to ash, but you're the real nothing in this group."

He tossed Mercuryto the ground and sat down with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

Mercury picked himself up as Cinder and Tyrian walked in; having witnessed what happened, Cinder didn't feel like saying anything, but Tyrian found the whole thing funny.

"We all know what it feels like to be nothing, don't we, little boy?" Tyrian remarked. Mercury growled at him. "Oh, a growl, that's really scary, child. Tell me, what's next? Are you going to hiccup and hope my head explodes?"

"Don't tempt me, you scorpion freak." hissed Mercury.

"Enough," yelled Cinder, making a column of fire erupt between them before they could start fighting, "no one here is going to fight right now. We just had to deal with the new guy and his annoying voice, and I'm not in the mood to deal with your little fights between each other."

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