Chapter 3-What do you Think?

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Ruby's POV:

"What was I thinking?" I said, pacing back and forth, "he's such a nice guy, and I don't want to hurt him. But, oh, I'm such an idiot. I just let my emotions get the better of me, I was stressed from all the fighting, and I kissed his cheek! What if this causes him to have a crush on me? Yeah, sure, he's nice, but what does that mean to me? I'm nice. People say I'm nice, so what does that make him?" I flopped on the bed face first in the covers. "I don't know what to do."


"Yes, Weiss?"

"Not that I don't love your presence but is there a reason why you're in my room? I thought I was about to get mugged, but instead, you start rambling about kissing Oscar."

After I said bye to Oscar, I wandered into Weiss's room by mistake, and I was too embarrassed to leave, since he was still out there.

"Yeh heh heh, sorry about that, but I'm at a loss. I mean, Oscar's nice and friendly, but I don't want to string him along and hurt him. He's so precious and fragile with what he's been through. I can't be another person who hurts him."

"Then tell him you're dating someone. Uh, a girl maybe."

I frowned, "Weiss, I'm not into girls, you know that."

"Well, yea," she blushed, "it's just....I know, maybe we had a shot together."

I held her hand and noticed the somber expression on her face.

"Oh, Weiss," I said suddenly, feeling guilty, "I'm sorry, but this is a Rosegarden fanfic, not a Whiterose one."

"But if you know, it's Rosegarden, that means you two will be together, so what is there to think about?"

"Oh, come on, you more than anyone should know better than to just surrender your life to what's considered destiny. It's not like some higher power is writing down our lives on a computer and controlling our actions."

"Yes, it is."

"I know, but we broke the fourth wall too many times in this chapter."

"Listen, Ruby," Weiss yawned loudly. "Only you can tell you how you feel, but I really need to sleep. I'm exhausted."

"Ah, ok, Weiss, sorry to bother you."

"Think nothing of it, but I'm not the best person to talk to when it comes to guys. And I need my sleep if I'm going to get you your birthday present."

"Oooh, what is it? "I squealed with excitement, "Is it a comic book, a whetstone, an all-you-can-eat cookie pass?"

"It's a secret now. Please let me sleep."

I exited her room and started to walk to mine when I bumped into Oscar again. We just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds shuffling our feet. I could see the look on his face. He was shy, sad, and a little scared. Oh god, he really is cute as a little puppy. But he's not more appealing than Zwei, even if he does make me wanna play a game of fetch with him.

 But he's not more appealing than Zwei, even if he does make me wanna play a game of fetch with him

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At last, he says something. 


"Hey," I replied, "how are you?"

"We just saw each other a few minutes ago, and also, that's Weiss's room."

"Yea, I got mixed up when I left and gave you that ki...uh hey, can I get a hint on my birthday present? I'm looking forward to it."

"Oh uh uh w-w-well," he stuttered, "it's something interesting. But, hopefully, within my budget, you know I don't want to end up broke as a joke."

I giggled.

Oscars POV:

Oh my god, I'm such an idiot. Why did I just make that lame comment? She must think I'm stupid. She's probably laughing at me right now. But now I have another chance. If I tell her now, I might have a better time with her on her birthday.

"Hey Ruby?" She looked up at me, "uh listen, there's something I wanna say, and I've been struggling with this for a while now."

"Well, go ahead and say it," she said, propping against the wall with her hand on her hip.

'This is your chance to say it to her. Say it.' I thought to myself.

"Ok. This has been a little hard for me because I've wondered how to say it to you, and I don't want things to be weird, But here goes,". I got this; I can do this. Ok, here I go.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

"Well?" she said, "what is it?"

"Uh-I-uh-uh-I, are you goth?", Are you freaking kidding me? "You wear dark clothes, have a choker, wear corsets, and always wear big boots. So I just wondered if maybe you were goth?"

"Is that really what you wanted to say to me?" She said, raising a brow.

No. I thought.

"Yes. You never acted like a goth girl or anything before, but your fashion sense is like that of goth people, and I was just wondering."

"Well, I wouldn't say that I'm goth, but I do like gothic designs for clothes and stuff, so a lot of my attire is based on it. No one ever really asked me before; they just assumed my style for me. I'm so glad you asked."

"Oh, ok, I just," I felt myself about to stutter again, "I just really wanted to know cuz I was curious."

"Do you not like gothic clothes?" Ruby asked me timidly.

"Oh no, it's not that. It's just that I was curious about your clothes, so I sometimes spent time looking up gothic fashion in case you wanted something, but I guess I didn't need to."

"It was nice of you to think of me."

"I always think of especially now since it's your birthday and all heh."

She smiled at me and then went into her room.

Ruby's POV:

Am I a goth girl? I asked myself. I stared at myself in the mirror on my dresser. I checked out my clothes and my shoes, and Oscar was right. I dress goth, don't I? I let out a big yawn and rubbed my eyes. No sense in worrying about it now. I need to wash up and go to bed.

Timeskip to the next day.

As I ate breakfast with my teammates and the others, I couldn't help but notice that Oscar wasn't there. Today was my birthday, and he hadn't even gotten out of bed.

"Hey guys, where's Oscar?" I asked.

Everyone started talking over each other, not knowing where he went the except for Ren.

"I think he left really early today to go get something," Ren explained, "he said something about an amazing gift that he wanted to get you for your birthday today but never mentioned what it was exactly."

"What! That's crazy; where could he be?" I cried.

Oscars POV:

I'm going to keep my promise to her. I'm going to get her a fantastic gift, and the one thing I can think of is something she holds dear: I'm going to find Teddy.

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