Ch 33 Run Oscar Run

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Oscar's POV:

I bolted down the stairs and slid down the railing as I heard the door behind me explode and Yang screaming to kill me. She lunged at me and almost knocked my head off. I pretended to jump off the side while still holding onto the rail and Yang jumped into the parking lot and rushed someone's car. I pulled myself back up and tried to go back upstairs but Yang blocked my path and lunged at me. This time I ran straight down the stairs while avoiding her punches. I sprinted into the street with her behind me, shooting projectiles from her gauntlets and blowing up parts of the sidewalk. I kept running down the road until I encountered a red light; Yang was right behind me and ready to kill. With little time to think, I crawled up the street light and carefully jumped off it across the street to the park.

Yang just used her weapons to get across the street, and she bolted after me again. I have no idea how I was outrunning her.

"I see you, Oscar," Yang screamed.

"I'm sorry, Yang; let's talk this out!" I called, but she wasn't listening.

I ran down the street and headed to the park entrance.

Third-person POV:

"Aw, I fold," groaned Jaune. He and the other guys were playing card games on a bench.

"This is not your game," said Ren, "unfortunately this means I have a better shot at winning-"

"Full house," said Sun; Ren looked at the table in defeat, "what were you saying about winning, Ren?"

"Victory shall be mine. Let's go again."

Yatsuhashi reshuffled the deck as the boys waited to get their cards.

"I wonder what the girls are doing," said Neptune, "it seems like they get in a lot of trouble when they get together."

"Don't remind me," groaned Jaune thinking about the breakfast incident.

"Oh, come on," said Ren, "the girls aren't that bad. I bet they're talking about hair, fingernails, cherry lip gloss, and stuff at home."

The boys looked at each other and then at Ren, who looked confused.

"What?" he said.

"Ren," said Scarlet, "what do you think girls talk about?"

"Uh, girly stuff and boys, I guess?"

"What period do you live in!?"

"What about boys?" asked Jaune.

"I don't know. What boys they like, what boys they hate, and which boys they wanna kill."

"The girls don't have any boys they want to kill."

"Yea," said Neptune, "the girls may be rough and tough, but they wouldn't kill any of us guys."

At that moment, Jaune saw Oscar round the corner and rush into the park.

"Hey Oscar," called Jaune, "come here we-"

"OSCARRRR!!!!!" The boys heard a voice roar. And then a yellow fireball landed behind Oscar; it was Yang, and she was out for blood, "Stand still and let me kill you!!"

Jaune's POV:

What's wrong with Yang? Why is she so mad?

"Guys help me," cried Oscar.

"Death to you, farm boy!" yelled Yang, lunging at Oscar again. She smashed her fist on the ground making a massive shockwave that sent Oscar flying and caused an earthquake. 

RWBY: The Bumblebee in the RosegardenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora