Chapter 6 Happy Birthday part 2

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Yang's POV:

I watched as Ruby hesitantly took Teddy out of Oscar's hands and stared at it. The last I saw of it, he had only his head, but Oscar had given it an entirely new body, and the stitching was so good that I couldn't even tell it was a replacement. The color of the fur matched, and Oscar sewed it so well it almost seemed natural.

"Dude, you seriously got her a teddy b-" said Sun, but I elbowed him in the stomach. Uncle Qrow and dad both had the same expressions on their faces. As I stared at the bear, memories of that time came flooding into my mind vividly.


**20 years ago, Ruby was a baby, Raven's gone, Tai, Qrow, Summer, and Yang were at home*

I held Ruby in my arms while dad and the others talked about something. Ruby was squirming and trying to grab my hair. I stuck out my finger, and she grabbed it playfully. "Mah bah wawa." she said, trying to talk. I loved her so much. She's so tiny and redhead. I poked her nose, and she giggled and kicked her feet.

"Happy birthday, baby sis," I said, "you will be a year old tomorrow. Daddy says that you're going to grow teeth soon, but I think you will grow cookies instead." She had the biggest sweet tooth I've ever seen, and she didn't even have teeth yet.

 "Oh, Ruby," said the world's best mom, "I have a little present for you."

She held out her hands and gave her a cute little teddy bear with Ruby's haircut. Ruby looked at it and started giggling and squealing. She grabbed it and started hitting its nose while laughing all the while.


Two years later

Dad was cooking stir-fry for dinner tonight, and it smelled great. I couldn't wait for mommy to come back to make us her famous cookies. Ruby was taking a nap when Qrow walked into the house with a troubled look. "Tai, we need to talk," he said, "it's about Summer. She...she...." I ran into my room because I didn't want to hear it. Ruby was in her crib snuggling with Teddy when she started tossing and turning. She woke up crying and reached for me while gripping Teddy in her hand.

I bounced her on my lap to get her to stop, but her eyes started flashing for some reason.

"DON'T JOKE LIKE THAT QROW!" Daddy screamed. 

"I'M NOT JOKING, TAI! Summer is-" then there was a roar, and part of the house exploded. I turned to see a group of five Beowolves charging into our home, growling, and hissing at Ruby and I.

I ran out as fast as I could, crying, "Daddy, Uncle Qrow, help!" They both rushed out, and Uncle Qrow had his sword ready while daddy escorted us out.

The house was starting to go up in flames as the Grimm tried to hurt my family, but we got away, or so I thought. Then, out of nowhere, another Beowolf appeared and knocked a part of the house out of the way, sending debris flying at us. Daddy shielded us, and his aura broke with Ruby crying her eyes out, and I was scared to death. Qrow went flying back to us as the remaining Grimm closed in on us. Then they pounced, and Ruby screamed when suddenly, her eyes flashed out a bright light that hurt our eyes.

The Grimm were just trails of dust and stone statues when the light went away, and the fire burned our house completely down with just a few remains.

"Whoa...," said Qrow, "that was" Ruby was still crying her eyes out. 

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