Chapter 14: I never meant to

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Oscar's POV:

The day after Ruby left, everyone was starting to go. They had their suitcases, and everyone headed out one by one, though; everyone was a little upset that Nora and Ruby had left before them. Team FNKI was heading out with them, too, since Atlas was their home, but team SSSNN and CFVY were staying here. As the teams headed out, I sat on the couch, watching them leave. They waved goodbye, but all I did was wave back and try to smile. The last ones out were team JNPR. Ren said goodbye and headed out with his belongings.

Jaune and Pyrrha were the last ones out. Pyrrha was mad about something Jaune didn't seem to catch, and she kept punching his arm. Finally, they waved goodbye, and I responded by waving with a sad look on my face.

"Are you ok, Oscar?" Jaune asked, "you've been quiet recently and don't look happy."

"I'm fine, Jaune," I said dryly.

"You don't sound like it. Did something happen to you?"

"Uh, well, I told Ru-er this girl I liked. I had feelings for her."

"And she rejected you?" asked Pyrrha.

"No. She ran away from me," I said. My body ached at the thought.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. She doesn't deserve you."

"No, I don't deserve her. She's amazing in so many ways, and I'm not, but when I fell for her, I fell hard. But, now that I've hit the ground, I don't think I can get up again."

Jaune and Pyrrha looked at each other, then Jaune took Pyrrha's hands and covered her ears with them. Finally, he sat beside me and stared intently at the men.

"Is this girl you like special?" he asked.

"Very special; I don't know where I'd be if she weren't in my life," I said.

"Does she make your heart skip a beat when you see her?"

"I've almost had heart attacks because of her."

"Is she named Ruby Rose?"

"Yes, she-wait, what? Oh, no, she isn't. She just-she-I. Ok, yes, how'd you know?"

"I read fanfiction a lot. Also, I notice the way you glance at her while we eat. You can't get enough of her, can you?"

"No, I can't."

"I think I can understand how that feels. I was crazy about Weiss initially, but it became hard for me to find love or even open up about it since Pyrrha died. So even though she's right here, it's only because the author put her in, not because her life is canonically saved."

"That must've been very hard for you to deal with."

Jaune put his hand on my shoulder, "Did you tell Ruby everything about how you feel about her?"

"Yes," I said, nodding.

"Then you're already better than me. I could never tell Pyrrha how I loved her since Cinder took her from us." He wiped a tear from his face, "But I know she had feelings for me too, even now."

"Wait, you know? Then why do you act like you're not aware of it?"

"Plot development, I'm probably going to go back to being oblivious about her feelings when this is over. But anyway, Pyrrha never verbally said that she loved me, but she showed how she felt through a kiss at Beacon. 

That was the only way I ever knew how she felt about me, and I feel guilty for not noticing it sooner and regret not knowing what might've been had she told me sooner. But, on the other hand, you should feel lucky you had the chance to tell her how you felt instead of spending the rest of your life suffering from never telling Ruby what you feel."

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