Chapter 15: We Need to Talk part 1

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Ruby's POV:

When we landed, the first thing that entered my mind was Oscar. I knew what I would say to him, and I had to say it now. Talking with Nora and Neon helped me put things in perspective. I don't think Oscar died from my running away; that's crazy. I texted Velvet early to ensure Oscar was home so I could talk to him directly. I was the first one off the airship, ready to go home to talk to him. The rest of my team and JNPR had no idea what was happening with Oscar and me, but Nora and Ren did.

My team asked me what was going on, but I told them I'd say to them only after it was all resolved. Velvet told me he was there, and she and Coco were talking to him, keeping him in place for my arrival. I didn't wait for the car to come; I just used my semblance and bolted straight to the apartment. I texted Velvet, and she told me she and Coco had just finished talking to Oscar. I made my way up the stairs just as they came out.

"He's all alone in there," said Velvet, "talk to him and clear everything up. Oscar's a sweet kid, Ruby. You should be honest with your feelings."

"Oh, I've got my feelings in check," I said boldly.

"You got it, red velvet cake," said Coco.

"What?" I asked. Velvet covered Coco's mouth.

"Oh, it's nothing," said Velvet, "she was flirting with me again, and she saw you. Just talk to Oscar, he's gotten better since last week, and he's ready to talk with you."

They both left and headed back to their room while Coco said something about having honey buns and giant ears of corn.

I hesitated in front of the door, knowing that Oscar was on the other side. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Oscar was sitting on the couch, and he turned to face me when I walked in. oh, he looked so worried, well, no time like the present.

"Oscar," I said, "we need to talk."

Oscar's POV:

I saw Ruby standing there with her luggage. She put it near the door and began walking to me. Time seemed to slow down as she began to walk. My heart began to pound faster and faster as she inched closer. I had braced myself for this day, and I ran through it in my head. I talked it out with team SSSNN, Velvet, and Coco and had prepared for this continuously. But, as Ruby moved closer to me, I began to lose my nerve. I stood up and slowly walked to her, but then I panicked and ran down the hall to my room.

"Oscar, wait!" cried Ruby. 

Oh god, there's no way I can do this; I can't, I just can't.

Ruby ran after me, and I was almost at my door when Ruby used her semblance to catch up to me. I grabbed the doorknob and opened it just as Ruby grabbed my waist and began pulling me away.

"Oscar, why are you running?" she grunted.

"I don't know," I said, struggling to hold the door. My grip broke, and Ruby tried to pull me away, but I kept working to get back to my room. Finally, she threw her arms around my neck and dragged me to the ground. I began crawling to my room when Ruby jumped on my back and started to pin my arms down. I managed to break free from the hold and hurried into my room. I tried to close the door, but ruby grabbed the knob. I had no idea she was this strong.

"Oscar, why won't you talk to me?" she groaned.

"I'm scared," I called out.

"Scared of what?" she lost her grip, and I closed the door. I hoped she didn't hit her head in the hallway.


A flurry of rose petals leaked into the doorway, I turned around, and Ruby was right there in my room. I tried to open the door, but Ruby pinned me against my door.

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