I'm Sorry Guys. I'm just a little sad right now.

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Author: Hey guys it's me the author I know I've been gone...for...for...oh god I can't do this!

Oscar: Wait author what's wrong?

Author: I'm sorry guys I just can't today I'm really sad

Blake: What's wrong? I thought you were excited to make new chapters?

Author: I am excited it's just I got some really sad news for me today.

Ruby: Did someone die?

Author: No it's not that. You guys know Pokémon right?

Everyone: yea

Author: Well today, on the website, twitter and YouTube. They announced that ash and Pikachu's journey is ending!! (Sob sob)

Everyone: What!? After 25 years?

Author: How could they do this to us? Pokémon define my life, my childhood my everything! If it wasn't for Pokémon I'd have never met you guys!

Weiss: What do you mean?

Author: Pokémon was my gate way into anime. I remember spending weekends as a kid watching it on vhs cassette tapes because we didn't have Netflix or Amazon back then. I didn't have access to any other episodes so I had to rewatch the same episodes constantly. Can you imagine how it felt to discover there was 12 seasons I had missed out on when I got old enough?

Ren: Wow. I never thought a show could mean so much to someone.

Author: It's not just me Ren. There's a whole generation of people in the world who love Ash and pikachu. They defined a generation, they set a standard for us trainers to follow. It was seeing trainers like Ash and his friends that made me want to be a better person and it led me to look for shows like RWBY. Shows where kids want to change the world and go on crazy adventures that last a lifetime or 25 years. So many animes I've loved and new ones I will love interested me because of him. Ash drew me into the world of tv, animation, video games and so much more.

Yang: I'm sorry he's gone from your life. But at least you can say that you had fun with him. If he inspired you this much then the best thing you and others can do is follow his example and inspire others to do the same. 

Author: Thank you Yang.

I gave her a hug as I wept in her arms. The RWBY cast came to hug me as I cried in their arms.

Ruby: Hey I have an idea!

Author: What's that?

Ruby: Maybe you can make a tribute to Ash, you know like a memorial service for his adventures in life and how people adored him. I know when I lost my mom I couldn't remember too much about her but, you have so much of Ash and Pikachu to remember. Let the world know.

I gripped her hands.

Author: Thank you so much Ruby. There are times when I look into your eyes and I see the option Ash has in them. I see in so many anime characters because of him, so happy and young and bright. Ash was my guiding light and now you're my silver light. All the other shows that have come and gone from my life all hold meaning but ash has been there the longest one I've ever had. I think...I think I will make a video to him so the world will know about him. Also I want to write a series about him.

Jaune: a series?

Author: Yes! A series. A re telling of Ash Ketchum's Pokémon journey, with old Pokémon and new ones, new rivals, new adventures and rewriting some of the arcs I'm going to make an entire series dedicated to Ash! And I'm going to make sure he's in the Paldea region too! I will make him the ash we all know and love but give him the things I wish I could've as he progressed in the story! I'm gonna marathon the whole series again and make sure I capture the Ash Ketchum we deserve.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

Author: But I don't know how well I can do it. What if I make a mistake?

Ruby: You won't make a mistake. You can only do the best that you can do and have a new audience grow alongside him and this time, you!

Author: Thank you Ruby. I needed this today. But I made a vow not to start a new project until I finish the one I'm currently working on and I'm currently working on your story. After this I plan to start my Meta-Static story followed by a magical one and then eventually make a sequel for them. The story I'm writing right now will get a sequel in the future but then it's gonna end there. The Meta-Static one is going be a little longer and the magical one might be the longest. I plan to do the Pokémon stories soon but I also want to make my original stories too. If that's ok.

Blake: Of course that's ok. You make stories on your own time, every author does that.

Author: Thank you guys so much. I hope you and my fans will support this.

Ruby: Of course they will. Fans that are loyal don't just turn on the people who made them fans so flippantly. We're with you till the end.

Author: Thanks Ruby. But while I do my work I'm going to need help and inspiration.

I grabbed her hand and got down on one knee causing everyone to gasp (and Oscar looked a little jealous).

Author: Ruby Rose. I've known you for 9 seasons of your existence but I still find myself loving and enjoying it over and over again as if I'm watching it for the first time all over again. may Monty Rest In Peace but I will always love you, your company, your spin-offs and your show. Will you do me the honor of becoming my new favorite MC during this time in my life and for as long as you're in production?

Ruby looked flustered, she looked back and forth between her friends and Oscar. Until she broke down in tears and nodded.

Ruby: Yes! Yes I will be your new favorite MC.

Everyone cheered for us happily and Oscar looked relieved that I wasn't taking his girl (though there was a time I had a crush on Ruby but then I got too old for her).

Penny: So what are your plans for the future with Ruby as your new MC?

Author: I'm going to continue writing these stories and amass a bigger following. Hopefully in the future I can make a story the whole world loves and a video they crave. Will you guys help me out?

Everyone: Of course we will!

Author: Ok then people! Time for me to get back to writing but now with a new MC!

Hey guys. Sorry for the late updates I've been dealing with some stress and stuff and just today I found out Ash and Pikachu are leaving the Pokémon anime and instead he's being replaced by two new characters. I hope they do the show justice. I promise I will get back to writing my chapters and updating them soon for you all to read. I hope you keep following me and get ready for more stuff I have in the future.🤗

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