Chapter 8 Bbq sauce

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Oscar's POV:

I did not want this moment to end. Having Ruby in my arms felt so magical I wanted us to be frozen in time. But, of course, there's no one around to hear me right now, so now's my chance to say it. Then I felt my stomach gurgle. The wings must've been greasier than I thought, so I better tell her fast before I decide to go to the bathroom.

So I took a deep breath, "hey uh Rubes er Ruby?" She slowly lifted her head to look at me, and the light from the room beautifully glinted off her silver eyes. That's what made me fall for her in the first place. "There's uh something I've been meaning to tell you."

She squeezed my shoulders.

"What is it Oscar? You can tell me anything, you know that right, and I don't mind if you call me Rubes. You can call me that anytime if you want."

I took a deep breath as my stomach gurgled again, "Ruby, I... I... I just want you to know that I...I...I" I hit my limit. "I'll be right back, ok?"

She stared at me, confused, as I walked into the bathroom. Once inside, I rushed to a stall and...well...(Ruby, you narrate now).

Ruby's POV:


I took a deep breath to steady myself after Oscar had left. Why did it feel nice to hold him? Why would he hug me in a way I needed? Why did I need to be held? I think a lot better than I used to yesterday because of him. But what am I even feeling? How do I feel about him?


I got a message on my scroll, and when I opened it, I saw an image of me dancing with Oscar with a big relaxed smile on my face. My face went as red as my hood. I tried checking who sent it, but I didn't recognize the number, but it also said it was sent-Oscar-oh my gods, what's he gonna say? How is he gonna react? Who would send this? Yang. She enjoys watching me squirm sometimes and just can't resist the chance to make fun of me.

Oh, this is so embarrassing. I turned to shoot Yang a look, but then I saw everyone staring at me, making me blush harder. So I scurried my way to the bathrooms like Oscar did.

I ducked into a stall and put my head in between my knees. I don't know why but I felt like crying again. This was so messed up and confusing. Why did I feel scared about what he might think? Why are my feelings towards Oscar so weird like this? How do I even feel about him? He was a kid who got sucked into our problems when he was just a year younger than me when I attended Beacon. So why was he here now?

I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hey, Ruby?" I heard Yang's voice call, "Ruby, are you ok?" I didn't respond to her, "Jeez, I didn't know Oscar could dance like that, you know?" I still didn't respond, "you looked pretty happy with him. Hehe, uh, is there something you want to talk about?" Finally, I opened the door and punched her in the arm.

"How could you take a picture of me like that?" I said, giving her a bunch of soft punches in the arm.

"Picture like what? I didn't take any pictures of you and Oscar slowly dancing to a song in the middle of a restaurant on your birthday without you knowing. Now, why would you say that?"

"Well, who took the picture if you didn't, Yang?"

"It may or may not have a pink hammer-wielding girl we all know and love," she said sheepishly.

Nora, when I find her, I'm gonna throw her out the window for doing that.

Oscar's POV:

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