Ch 31 I'm Scared

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 Blake's POV:

I staggered home feeling awful. There still wasn't a scar or a wound on my stomach, but I could still feel the mark where he stabbed me. My stomach was in knots, my head was swimming, and I could feel that Grimm fluid oozing around in my body. I limped to a bathroom and checked my reflection. My hair was messy, my eyes were red, and I could still feel Adam on my body.

My stomach gurgled, and I covered my mouth. I rushed to the toilet and began to puke with such intensity I almost lost my voice. When I looked in the bowl, I almost passed out.


Blood was mixed in with Grimm fluid in the toilet, and I felt another wave flowing out of my mouth and into the toilet. I coughed as the last came out, and my throat burned. Before I could get up, the Grimm fluid began to bubble; it mixed with my blood and rose, creating a pillar. A bright red Grimm eye glared at me, then receded into the fluid, and it began to stretch and change shape until it turned into...

"Salem," I gasped, my voice hoarse, "what are you doing here?"

"Oh dear girl," Salem calmly spoke, "you've been through a lot with Adam, haven't you?"

"What do you want from me?!"


I looked at her, confused.

"I want you to keep quiet about where my hideout is and what you've been through."

"I'm already doing that," I coughed, "I'm not going to tell anyone what happened."

"Except for my dear Ozma, right? Though I guess his new name is Oscar now."

"I won't tell him either."

"I do not care if you tell that child my plans or what I'm doing. Just know that if you interfere with the process, I won't hesitate to end you!"

Salem clenched her fingers, and pain began to shoot through my body. The Grimm fluid in my stomach flowed through every part of my body, releasing a painful energy that seared my bones. I tried crying out and screaming, but the puking made my voice hoarse, and I couldn't make any noise.

"Now that we've got that clear, let me tell you what will happen from here on out: you will visit Adam when he calls you. You are not to tell anyone but Oscar that you're going, no information leaks, and if there is, you know what to expect."

I shivered.

"And don't think about running. The Grimm fluid will always let me know where you are, so escape is impossible. When all this is over, your life will be spared, girl. After all, you have the rest of your life to spend with your future partner to look forward to, right?"

"You leave Yang out of this!" I said raspily.

"Yang? Oh, the blonde girl. Yes, let's use her. If you want a future with her in it, you will comply with my plans until you are no longer needed."

"And why should I trust that you'll keep your word?"

"You can't."

Then she sank into the toilet and disappeared.

"Wait," I called, "what does any of this have to do with Oscar and Scratchclaw?!"

But Salem was already gone. I left the stall and looked at my reflection again. My appearance was fixed. My hair was fine, my eyes were ok, the pain in my stomach was gone, and even my voice was fixed. Fear shook my hands, but I couldn't let Yang and the others see this. I need to tell Oscar what happened to me and soon.

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